Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday April 29th Talia's b'day weekend

Wow!  What a crazy last few days!  And let me say crazy.

Saturday was just a hurried frenzy--and this is an example of why I don't want my kids in too many activities.  So Alaina is just finishing up ballet and starting t-ball.  But of course there is overlapping.  And Ky is wrapping up AWANAs and also starting baseball.

So here was our day Saturday. Rob ran the Crazy Legs Race and I took all the kids to Alaina's ballet--where I was supposed to have the time to finish all my meal planning for Talia's party the next day.  That didn't happen since the teacher wanted the kids to try on costumes and have parents help. Blah.  After that we rushed Ky to his AWANA's meeting (which he was late to--there was NO WAY we could be on time.)  And then the girls and I went to Hobby Lobby in desparation to find little ballet dancers to go on Talia's cake (because I was not about to mold them out of gum paste--I am just not that talented, nor did I have the time.) After scouring the store, we found some and got Alaina to t-ball just a few minutes late.  Of course we had to pout for a few minutes in the van first.

Her game went well.  It was cute to watch her at her first at-bats.  Rob also arrived with lunch food.  He then left early to pick up Kylan from AWANAs.  And then Grandma Mo arrived.  She met us at the game.  It was kind of funny, she came just in time for the game to end--isn't that how it always works?! 

So we went home and started cake baking and food prepping in the short hour we had.  Rob (who had already come home with Ky) then took Ky to his first game while us ladies waited for the cakes to finish baking.  When they were done we went to his game and got to watch him play.  He did really well.  I was proud of him. 

Afterwards we went back home and Rob and Ky went to church (he had to be there early since he was doing childcare.)  Us girls went to the store to get last minute party stuff.  I, then ended up being late to church since I could not find Rob's beer.  Oh, well. 

After church, Rob got his beer, and the ladies went home to shove pizza in the oven and start Talia's movie "Frozen". I watched a few minutes while eating and then Rob and I used the rest of the time to work on the cake.  After the kids were put in bed, we also did food prep.  Are you exhausted yet?  I'm exhausted just reliving the day through this blog.  AND the cake was not done.  It needed to be frozen because it was too crumbly to frost.

By the way--I should mention that Talia spent the WHOLE day in her Frozen dress carrying her new Anna doll around.  Very cute!

So the next morning I put together the cake while Talia watched Frozen.  WHEW!  But, no worries, it was finished in time.

Talia's b'day was a good time.  It was wonderful to have family there.  It was also a blessing to have my mom there (she helped with a lot of the party prep and bathing the kids.)  The kids loved that she was there with her dog.

Talia became a bit crabby around 1:00.  I think she was overtired--especially after being up so late with her siblings.  We powered through the day and of course she made it through present time and cake time.

We tried to hide her eyes for the cake reveal and when Uncle Ryan uncovered her eyes everybody started singing.  It was funny.  I don't even think she noticed her "ballerina" cake--just what she asked for.

After everyone left, I think we really felt too lazy to do much of anything else.  I feel bad--we did do a make-shift dinner, but I was exhausted and just done with rushing around AND the kids were becoming naughty.  I think my mom hung in well with us despite the exhaustion and just needing to be done.

And then Monday--back to school, but off-schedule since my mom was staying with us.  Normally its gym and store, but we ended up just running some errands.  It was quite an icky day.  The wind and rain--yuck!  But we went to the green house and I picked up seeds, veggie plants, and flowers.  We then introduced my mother to Costco.  She wanted to see where we had bought the coffee--and yup, she was sucked in and bought much more than coffee!  It happens to everyone!  I, however, escaped with just samples in my tummy!  (A VERY PROUD MOMENT!)  I swear Target and Costco--those places you always spend more than what you plan.

Lunch, nap, and more chaos ensued as Ky came home.  The kids were just off.  They were wild, naughty and crazy!  I don't know if it was the excitement of the party weekend or if it was Grandma Mo being there or what--UGH!  I was about done by the time Daddy got home.  After dinner (and more naughty  children), mom and I headed to Family Christian Bookstore and the Dollare store to pick up a few things.  She found some really interesting looking videos to give the girls called GiGi.  I hope they are really good.  I think they could really help the girls get beyond some of this princess crap.

Speaking of which I am finally reading "Cinderella Ate My Princess".  That book has been on my "Need To Read" list for a long time.  My MIL recently reminded me of it, so I picked it up.

Finally TODAY!

Yup, crazy, chaotic, disobedient Tuesday morning.  I don't want to relive it, so I am not going to write about it.  My mom thinks that perhaps some behavior was due to the fact that Kylan did not get as much attention from her during her stay--but whatever it was, I don't care--it was unexcusable.  My mom left around 11.  We will miss her and really enjoyed having her here.  I hope I wasn't "too busy" to really enjoy her company--but it was a CRAZY weekend.  Once I sent Alaina off to school, Talia and I had a nice lunch together and I was excited to send her to bed.  I relaxed on the couch and finished my book.  It was wonderful!  (My fiction book--Not the Cinderella one...)  All too soon, they were home again, but not nearly as bad as before.  I muscled through and had wine with dinner and after dinner and then had some for a friend who was having a rough day--and as you can see, I am still typing--so "no" I didn't drink too much.  Oh--I am also thankful that Ky's b'ball game was cancelled today due to the weather.  I did not want to sit out in this could rain--and I just want to stay home tomorrow.

Tomorrow, everything will go back to our routine.  I think we all do best with routine.  And I have a 5 week break until the next birthday! YEAH!

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

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