Friday, May 02, 2014

Friday, May 2nd

It's May!!!

And yet it feels like March :(.  Despite the coldness and cloudy, dark days- I am thankful for the rain.  The grass has really greened up and the plants are really starting to grow.  We haven't been out much due to the rain, but we have been VERY busy.

Wednesday was the usual grocery store, gym, volunteer at school day.  I lost my temper with the kids in the morning.  I did apologize later as I melted down when they returned home from school. I am not proud of myself and I am sorry for the yelling I did.  However, it was pretty funny that I was able to predict every naughty behavior before it occurred.  (Honestly, their behavior wasn't technically "naughty", they just were not being thoughtful of my limitations nor were they doing as I requestd.)  I told them I was done and that I was "laying down the law".  When they started doing the behaviors I had previously predicted, I think they finally realized that they were off-track!  Yeah!  Thursday was much better after this.

Ky went to Awana's Wednesday and came back sad (with 20 pieces of candy!!!)  They wouldn't let him recite any more verses.  (Probably because he recited 20 on Saturday--hence the candy he came home with.)  Ky is bankrupting the poor people out of candy.

I was thankful for when Wedneday was over.  It was a rough day from the beginning and continued.  I took a lot of phone calls that day as well that were a little stressful.  I am glad that I can be a blessing to others, by sometimes just listening.  I also know that God is challenging me to branch out in my relationships with others as well as teach me to talk to people on the phone...(Really...I am just not a phone person.) 

Thursday, I had made a game plan for garage saling (since I couldn't on Friday and city-wide sales were taking place.)  I even took Ky to school early so he could eat breakfast there so I could get started.  My big goal was getting a baseball bag for Ky--which I did!  YEAH!  We got a few deals here and there on clothes and such--but no real big scores otherwise.  The sales seemed really picked through even though I came out so early.  My friend, Lyn, was telling me that some of these sales actually started Wednesday night (seriously--I don't have time for this.)  Ah well,  there is still a good month of garage saling to go. 

On my way to the gym my friend, Michele, called to tell me that Dells passes (with free admissions) were being handed out downtown over lunchtime.  I honestly didn't think I would be able to get there with needing to take Alaina to school.  But, I ended up making it work!  :)  I dropped her off and drove.  I was so thankful there was not a line!  YEAH!  2 passes down and 2 to go.  Talia and I then wrapped up our garage saling and enjoyed a video together while we waited for the big kids to come home.

Ky had baseball practice that evening, so Rob took him and all the girls.  I was thankful he was willing to do that.  I had another ladies' meeting and I didn't want to miss it.  We were finising Lysa Terkeurst's book "Unglued".  I have really enjoyed this ladies' group.  They have been a blessing.  The ladies dress casually (which is AWESOME by me).  I don't feel I have to get gussied up.  It is small and friendly.  Everyone talks to everyone.  And even though I don't know much about these ladies I easily start conversations with them.  WONDERFUL!  I am so glad God directed me to this group and that he gave me the courage to go.

Friday, I subbed.  I almost overslept, but it was a REALLY good night of sleep.  I am thankful for that.  It was an easy day, which I am also thankful for.  I worked with this wonderful little boy that was autistic.  He was such a sweetheart.  At the end of the day, I had a great conversation with a CC teacher.  It was very insightful.  I am thankful for this opportunity and I continue to look forward to teaching again someday soon.

I came home to Uncle Ryan (or "Chicka-ryan" as Talia calls him).  He had stopped in for a visit before heading to base.  It has been a joy to be able to see him as much as we have.  We will miss him when he moves to St. Louis.  He left shortly after that and we had a family outing to get 4 more Dells cards and then free ice cream at a new shoppe that opened nearby.  You CAN'T pass up free ice cream!  MmMMM... And my favorite "Chocolate Shoppe!"  They are located right off the bike path.  Yeah--I am totally envisioning us eating lots of ice cream on bike rides.  This will definitely be new incentive for the kids!

When we returned home, Rob left with the bigger kids for Alaina's t-ball game and I spent the evening with Talia. We had a nice time.  She had a bubble bath and then we watched a movie together and snuggled.

Now it is bedtime and time for husband snuggle time!  Tomorrow will bring about more busyness--I look forward to Sunday when I get to have a relaxed morning with the kids.  I'm thinking--pancakes and movies!  Sounds like fun!

Hebrews 3:13
But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.

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