Thursday, May 15, 2014

Mother's Day, May 11

Today was a nice day.

I woke up to Rob baking cherry chocolate scones. Mmmmm...

After church (we had 20 2 year olds!!! in Sunday school!), we went to Costco--my choice!  In the van, Ky said "Mom, you will always be 21 to me."  "But Ky, you didn't know me when I was 21."  "I know, but you always seem 21 to me."  Flattery will get you everywhere my boy!

At Costco everyone was happy.  There were lots of yummy samples and we walked away with a rotisserie chicken and a BIG bowl of humus for lunch.  Costco is the only store, the whole family enjoys and looks forward to.  (NEVER go there when they don't have samples!)

It was a good day to get some gardening done.  Rob mowed the lawn (it needed it badly!) I transplanted raspberry plants in hopes of bringing our patch back--it looks pretty pathetic this year.  Alaina and I had JUST planted the broccoli when it started to pour.  EGADS!  At this rate I won't have the garden all planted until the end of May. 

Since it was raining we decided (okay, I decided) we needed to enjoy some FABULOUS ice cream at the Chocolate Shoppe.  I love that place!   Even Rob made the comment that he didn't think he has ever had better ice cream.

Since we had large amounts of ice cream we ended up having a late dinner--Chinese food at mom's request!  Mmmmm!  I love Chinese!  The kids gave me their gifts during this time.  I had NUMEROUS envelopes to open from Alaina with beautiful pictures of her and I.  Ky made a clothespin butterfly and an original Mother's day Acrostic.  And Alaina helped Talia color a picture for me.  She is such a wonderful big sister.  I am so blessed to have her as a big sister.  Daddy then also revealed to me the present he had been working on with the kids.  He had them make stepping stones for me.  Unfortunately, the girls broke.  It was a beautiful heart that they had worked hard to paint and put their handprints on. The kit was not very good and Rob planned to return it.  Ky's was cement and was wonderfully decorated with pretty stones and his hand imprint.  I look forward to finding a special place for them.

Rob also bought me a box of delectable chocolates! mmmm!  Gail Ambrocious--you can't get much fancier than that.  I plan to eat one a night and savor the yumminess!

All in all it was a good mother's day.  The kids were much better behaved (though we still had a few issues here and there.)  They were forewarned, that starting tomorrow, Mama was not going to be so nice and there were going to be serious consequences for slackers or kids who misbehaved.

Saturday was a busy day.  Rob took Alaina to ballet and I packed up food for us to take to the kids' ball games.  Ky and Alaina had back to back games.  After Rob returned with Alaina, I lost it at one point with her.  I was so angry.  Her refusal to follow directions right away and then to continue to misbehave when I had already given her a consequence put me over the edge (along with Ky doing similar things.)  Yeah--I yelled--and yelled.  And then I cried.  I was done.  I was done feeling like a terrible parent.  I was done feeling like I had lost control of my kids andy myself.  I was done feeling like they did not respect me.  While I am embarassed and saddened by days like these, I am humbled.  Sometimes it takes these moments in order for me to get on my hands and knees and pray--just pray for guidance and help. 

We had a nice bike ride to the  ballpark.  I was quiet and it gave me time to think.  The kids played wonderfully.  I love watching them.  Ky had a double--which he was so proud of.  Alaina hit the ball harder than she ever had and I loved watching her smile as she ran.  These moments are what having children is all about.  I am thankful that God reminded me of this.

After biking back, I showered quickly and ran to get my haircut.  My bangs were cut much shorter--in fact I haven't had bangs cut this short since college.  It's a nice change though.  I also find that as I have gotten older, cutting my hair has not been as traumatic as it used to be. 

I rushed back and had a few minutes to chat with Rob before Julie came.  We had a girls night out planned!  I was excited.  I really don't get to see her as much as I used to.  We had a wonderful night out and I am thankful for that. Julie and I can do just about anything together and have fun.  A friend like that is one to treasure.  We went to the greenhouse and picked up some flowers and then I convinced her to come along with me to get my eyebrows threaded.  I had never done this before, but have wanted to and have been so nervous!  Julie was just the courage I needed!   It was wonderful--Sure it hurt a little, but it was so quick and seriously!  My eyebrows have never looked better!

After that we had a yummy dinner at the bowling alley (Seriously--the burgers are good!)  We then ran to a few different stores to pick up random items. 

My friend Olesya had gotten me an American Girl Doll for Alaina (Olesya volunteers their and can get them for a seriously reduced price.)  Anyway, I am planning to give it to her for her birthday or Christmas, but am collecting various outfits for the doll along the way.  Julie showed me that Walmart actually carries some $2 items for the doll.  And she educated me on getting a special brush for the doll.  (Good thing I have Julie for this--otherwise I would have had NO CLUE!) 

We had a great time and it ended all too soon.  I am thankful that we were able to enjoy this night out together and that we could just be women for an evening--not moms, not wives--just women.  We could just chat and enjoy each others company. These nights are rare and yet so treasured!

That's all for now--I know I am a few days behind, but I will catch up soon!  Happy Mother's Day!

Proverbs 31:10-12 and 25-31

A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.
She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
"Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all."
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Give her the reward she has earned,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

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