Thursday, May 08, 2014

Thursday, May 8

I have a headache and I am tired.  This is going to be a scattered-brain blog.

We just got back from Ky's b'ball game.  I'm so proud of him.  He is doing really well and continuing to improve. 

Alaina was ecstatic about the game because her classmate, Luke was there.  I told her that he probably wouldn't be there, but then she came running back to me so excited and whispered, "Lukey's here!"  Her crush on him is so cute. 

During the game, Alaina came running back to me from the playground and was holding in tears.  I kept asking her what was wrong and she said "nothing".  Finally she broke down and told me that a little kid had walked in front of her while she was swinging.  She said he was crying and she tried to apologize, then she got scared and ran back to me.  I looked back by the playground and there was no little boy there.  Poor Laina!  What a delicate heart she has.  We talked about it and discussed, how it was just an accident, but next time she had the big girl responsibility of getting help right away. 

Talia had her 3 year well-child checkup today.  She did really well.  In fact the doc had NOTHING to say.  I think she tried to make small talk just so I felt like we were being well taken care of.  I am thankful that she is healthy. Talia has gained weight!  YEAH!  So that is no longer an issue.  She is in the 43% now.  And her height is about the same.  She is still the smallest of all my kids--and I like it that way, considering she is the baby of the family. 

For the last few days, Talia has insisted that I put her hair in 2 braids like Anna's from Frozen. It is very cute. And she gets mad if I take them out. I have to promise her that I will put them back in.

We received a phone call from the foster agency today.  All our paperwork is in.  Now they are just waiting on us to finish the online training and the new set of paperwork they gave us.  I guess we have to get moving on that.  I am thankful that the paperwork from others is all in and good!

Speaking of good calls--I also have been formerly accepted into Concordia's Masters of Education program.  I am just waiting to hear from my guidance counselor now.  Fall classes--here I come!  I am thankful for this opportunity to grow in education and prepare to go back to teaching.

I am ALMOST done bunny-proofing my garden.  As always, it is taking much longer than I planned.  I am hopeful I can begin planting this weekend.  I am excited to see the blessings this year's crops will bring. 

And with that, I am done blogging. I really need to just chill out.  I am tired and achey.  I am thankful that a good night of sleep will get me feeling good again.  Tomorrow is Friday and I have the opportunity to help a friend.  I am excited to work with her. 

Mark 12:31
The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

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