Sunday, May 04, 2014

Sunday, May 4

Not the day I planned, but it was a blessed day despite it.

Daddy got up at 4:30 to go stand in line for tix to a beer festival.  I slept until 8 AM with the ladies.  Once we were up, the kids and I had a game plan to each complete a few tasks and then we would eat pancakes with a movie.

Well--it was past 11 when we ate pancakes.  Let's just say I don't have very speedy children.  I also had gotten so into completing several tasks, I didn't really want to stop to watch the movie.  Yes--that is a burden I bear.  I like to complete things.

I have to say that Ky also didn't help motivate me to enjoy the movie with the kiddos.  I let him choose the movie since he completed his tasks first and he chose....drum roll please.....dddddddddddd....Frozen!  Really?!  Are you sure?!  We have all these other movies and you have seen it many times already! *Sigh!*  Oh, well--the kids enjoyed it and that is all that matters.  I worked on my curtains and now ALMOST have 2 windows completed (ask me another day why it took so long...)

I am thankful for the new curtains that I got at a great price.  It was a wonderful blessing.  I am also thankful for the holdbacks I found at Family Dollar for 1/3 of the price elsewhere.  After the movie, Daddy came home and I ran to the hardware store to get the rototiller we rented.  It was wonderful!  Rob had our garden tilled in no time.  We were going to do our neighbors as well, but they were napping and we didn't want to disturb them.  Oh, well....another time. :)

It was a day of accomplishing things and the kids LOVED playing outside.  BTW--Rob gets Parent Of The Year Award.  When I returned with the tiller he came outside right away and tilled.  An hour later after he finished, he went in to check the time and realize he had left Talia on the toilet ALL THAT TIME!!! Poor kid!  And amazingly enough, she stayed on the toilet waiting!   And no, we don't forget to watch our children--it was naptime and she had gotten up to go potty....

I corralled the raspberries and weeded my rhubarb and asparagus.  The kids had a great game of baseball going with the neighbors.  I was impressed by Alaina who pulled out her shirt and t'ball hat to play.  Dad and I also tried helping her out riding a two-wheeler--however, she just didn't seem that interested.  I think next week I will have to make some effort to take her biking on the trailer.  We need to get this girl up and going...

Dinner, baths, and the day is over.  It ended TOO quickly.  We got lots done and chatted with several of our neighbors.  The warm weather brings everyone outside and I love it!  What a beautiful day that the Lord had made!

Psalm 118:24
This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

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