Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday, May 22


I can't believe it is May 22 already.

Today began with a good old fashioned meltdown from Alaina.  She wanted to play instead of get moving.  I am proud to say I kept my cool--however, she ended up walking into the gym barefoot because she kicked off her shoes and had 19 sentences to write during playgroup.  This actually worked out well since I or Talia wasn't punished by just skipping playgroup.  But Man, 19 sentences is a lot for a 5 year old.  I felt we had a good conversation afterwards.  I am hoping that she starts realizing that she needs to gain control of her emotions and not continue having bad behavior which leads to larger consequences.  (Seriously, she started with 10 sentences.) 

We had a nice jaunt to the library after that and then walk to school.

When I got home I was greeted by an email from Kylan that his teacher was pregnant (which I already knew.)  He was pretty excited.  I can only imagine how excited all his classmates are.  She is a really loved teacher!  Speaking of is a link to Ky's classroom blog:

And here is Alaina's class blog.  BTW--Alaina's plant is the one in the front left corner of the garden (yeah--i know, there is nothing there! :P)

After school, I rushed Alaina to her ballet rehearsal.  Her recital is Saturday and Sunday and she has a rehearsal today and tomorrow.  She really enjoyed watching the other students danced.  And I was very impressed that she walked out with the other girls and got on stage.  I was concerned she might be scared. Her class was very cute.  The girls definitely show their maturity in their dance.  Before Alaina danced, I pointed out that I thought the best dancers were the ones with smiles on their faces.  It was pretty fun to see Alaina smiling the whole dance. I love that girl!  Tomorrow she gets dolled up for the dress rehearsal.  I know she will be excited.

When we got home we had dinner and then Talia and Alaina put on tap shoes and put on a show for the family.  I think watching all the dancers has gotten Alaina back in the dancing mode.  I am curious to see how long it lasts or if she will ask to dance again in the fall.  I have to admit, I really like seeing her dance.

Yesterday was our busy day as usual.  However, reading the book "Breathe" before I started my day really helped to slow down a bit and just enjoy.  And I immediately remembered that we had forgotten to "tooth fairy" the night before.  It all worked out well.  I faked a snuggle to wake up Alaina and did the switch.  PHEW! 

Continuing with my slowing down and enjoying journey- I even went through the self-checkout at the grocery store and let the girls help ring up and bag.  We also went to the Dollar Store and the girls bought b-day presents for Kylan and we bought a slew of cards.  Alaina and Talia each picked out birthday cards and Father's Day cards.  Alaina loved talking to the cashier (Alaina calls cashiers' "Payers") about her recital and her present for her brother. 

After school, we had another busy afternoon.  Ky  had an early game and so I packed dinner for the ballpark and we left after doing homework.  The girls were very clingy and begg-y at the ballpark which makes  it hard to actually enjoy Ky play.  I have to say--it's wearing on me.  Seriously kiddos--go play at the playground or color or read books and just let me watch my boy play.  Even feeding them dinner didn't help--they didn't like the sandwiches I packed so they just complained more.  ARGH!  Seriously, I am struggling to figure out what to do with these girls at the games.  When I got home Rob knew I was done.  Really--having them crawl on me, choke me, whine and complain at me for 1.5 hours is just too much.  I need a new game plan for the next game.  There has got to be a better answer. 

I Corinthians 7:35
I say this for your own benefit, not to lay any restraint upon you, but to promote good order and to secure your undivided devotion to the Lord.

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