Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Tuesday, May 20

I'm beat.  It's been a crazy last few days (the exception being Sunday which was a nice relaxing day.)

Today was a good stay at home Tuesday.  The girls and I made several breakfast items together. We also listened to the Frozen music together in Spanish.  It was fun watching the girls dance together.  Michele stopped by briefly while the girls were planting their flowers (some which have already died--yup, blame me...)  Alaina was ecstatic to see Lexi.  Even though it was only for a few minutes, it definitely perked up her day.  Mental note--more playdates with Lexi and Arianna soon!

I then fought with Alaina's bike for a while.  Seriously, Training wheels!  How hard can they be to put on.  We have had endless battles with putting training wheels on Alaina's bike.  I finally bought another pair that I thought would work for sure....well, I guess time will tell.  (Did I mention I had to watch 2 Youtube videos on how to put training wheels on a bike--seriously--they were not as intuitive as you would think.)  And I got injured putting them on.  I hit my knee with the wrench tightening the lugnut.  Seriously, you wouldn't think it could be that bad, but my knee is sore.  And I don't think I will be able to run tomorrow.  ARGH!

After our nice walk to drop Alaina off at school, Talia and I enjoyed lunch. She was being silly again at lunch and eating EVERYTHING except her leftovers from dinner (of course.) She kept telling me she was going to eat it tomorrow (which she told me yesterday.)  I then explained to her that today was tomorrow because yesterday makes today tomorrow!  Yeah--she was pretty confused.

The afternoon was pretty uneventful until I discovered that I had multiple calls made from my phone to 911.  And then the 911 people left messages that they were reporting it to the police and the police would investigate it.  Thankfully the police never came.  However, I spent quite a bit of time figuring out who I needed to call just to make sure that this was "stricken" from any record I may have.  (Or at least to show me I was responsible.)  I was already envisioning our first Home Intake with the Foster Care Agency--"And yes we see that on May 20 you had multiple calls to 911.  Could you explain that to us?" 

I am assuming Talia made the calls--but who knows.  After that adventure, the kids and I released Speckles the toad.  (Alaina found "speckles"-- or a Speckles-look-alike on Sunday near my garden.  He instantly became our pet again.  But boy this "Speckles" was much bigger than the Speckles we had last year.)  Ky was sad, but he didn't want to have the responsibility of finding bugs every day for him --and I think it didn't help that the day before Speckles escaped!   Yes ESCAPED!!!  We came home after running to the gym and errands and Alaina says, "Mom, where is Speckles?" 

Sure enough--empty tank sitting on top of the dining room table and no sign of Speckles.  While Alaina and Talia were panicked about being reunited with their beloved pet, I was panicked Speckles would find himself in a heating duct, die, and then we would be smelling Speckles for the next year!  Thankfully after a lot of searching, Alaina found him under the sewing desk.  Poor thing was covered in dust and material remnants.  We caught him and returned him to his tank.  I asked Alaina to get a book so we could set it on top of the cage so he couldn't jump out again.  Ironically, she picked "Frog Troubles".  HA!

Oh--I forgot to mention that Alaina lost her second tooth on Monday.  It came out as she was playing with it while doing her homework--EW!

Have I mentioned Alaina likes to pull my fingers.  No seriously, she just did it.  She read a Fancy Nancy book a few months ago and in the book Nancy gives her mother a manicure.  A part of the manicure she massages her mother's hands and that involves pulling her fingers.  I have to say, I giggle a little every time she asks if she can pull my fingers! HA!

Sunday was a wonderful relaxing day.  We went to church Saturday night so we were able to get up and have a leisurely morning.  Rob changed the oil in the car and we all played catch with Kylan.  I also took Alaina for a bike ride through the neighborhood.  It was nice.  I miss riding my bike everywhere.  Wendy came over for dinner and Ky practiced more baseball.  We even had a little game going in the front yard that was fun.  We love Wendy!  She gave us our yearly maple syrup supply.  MmmM!  Someday we have to make it up to her family's sugar shack and help out with the process.  

Saturday was a crazy day as usual.  We woke up and got moving.  Alaina had her LAST ballet class before the recital and then immediately following the practice she had her t-ball pics and game and then Ky's game started during Alaina's game.  We decided we should all just to to Alaina's ballet class and get to the games together.
I was pretty excited that we made it to Alaina's t'ball pics just in time.  And I enjoyed watching her play.  She was catcher--and watching her in that gear with her blue skirt was pretty funny.  Ky had a great game as well.  His hits are really hard and he even catches one or two fly balls each game.  After the games we returned for naptime and an opportunity to do some lawn work. 

During this time the prior owner's of our house actually stopped by and we were able to take the time to ask them some questions about the house.  Specifically our front porch bricks which are falling apart.  Well--they didn't have much for answers, but it was kind of neat to see them appreciate some of what they had done and what we had done to the house (i.e. new siding.)  I just kept praying the lady did not want to see the backyard.  I was pretty sure she would cry if she saw all the weeds and grass overcoming her flower beds.  Yup--I'm still working on taking those out...

Saturday ended with church and pizza movie night--and then I was pretty much done.  I feel bad I didn't keep Rob company.  I passed out on the couch.  I was tired.  I know I need to slow down a bit--I've been doing too much lately. 

I am still reading my book "Breathe" and it is a constant reminder of how much I am overdoing it.  I have been working on slowing my pace of life down and making sure that I am spending quality time with my kids.  It's hard.  My mindset is so busy all the time--and it does start to feel like you have to "show" that you are worth something, when really that is all a bunch of BS. 

This week I gave the kids jobs.  Kylan's job is to be responsible.  Alaina's job is to be loving.  (My job is to slow down and enjoy the interruptions--which are often times to minister to others.)  It has been working pretty well.  When I have had issues with Kylan--I ask him, "What is your job? And how can you make sure you are doing it?"  I have to say--for ALaina this week it has worked wonders.  Getting her to stop and think, "How can I be loving?" has really helped her resolve issues with her siblings. 

Anyway--just a little something I would share from my book. I gotta go now and "breathe".  Survivor Finale is tonight!  YEAH!  And I am going to make sure I am awake for the whole thing.

Psalms 119:15
I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.

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