Friday, May 09, 2014

Friday, May 9

I am thankful for having the opportunity to help out and visit a friend this morning.  I am thankful for the garage sale that had a pair of pants for Kylan for $2!  I am thankful for the nice weather and beautiful walks I had with all the kiddos today.  I am thankful for the time I spent coloring Mr. Potato Head over and over and over with Talia today.  I am thankful for Ms. Mary and her kind words to me about Alaina.  I am delighted that my daughter is following in Jesus' footsteps and showing love and compassion to ALL of her classmates by being a good friend.  Ms. Mary told me that Alaina will often befriend some of the kids that are "loners" or who other kids do not want to play with.  I am so proud of her.  Ms. Mary also told me how smart Alaina is and what a fabulous reader she is.  I am very proud of my girl and enjoyed hearing each wonderful word about her.

I am thankful that the school year is ending.  The schedules and expectations have gone downhill with the kids and we need to start fresh.  I am trying to rescue our old processes, but they continue to sink, sink, sink into the pit of despair.  One more month!

I am thankful that my garden and strawberry patch are now rodent proof (for now until they chew or dig through.) I am excited to start planting. 

I am thankful that Rob came home early enough to accompany me and the kids to Alaina's ballgame.  It was meltdown time and I needed someone to rescue me.

I am thankful for the opportunity to watch my girl on the field.  It is wonderful to see her try new things and see them through. 

I am thankful for corn on the cob.  It was SO good!  And I am glad we have leftovers for tomorrow.  I am thankful that Rob and I have completed another module and we only have one more until we are done with our Foster Care training.  Whew! 

I am thankful for little girls that crawl in my lap or ride on my back or hug me around the neck.  I am thankful for the kids anxious to have me carry them upstairs to bed.  I am thankful for all these wonderful things that I know I will miss when they grow bigger. 

Psalms 90:12
So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.

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