Saturday, May 03, 2014

Saturday, May 3rd

Another busy day!  This Mama needs a break!
Depite the busyness, I do feel that I had some breakthroughs today.

Today at ballet there were several women chatting and their voices became VERY quiet when I approached.  From what I heard, I believe they were talking about me--something along the lines of my child needing more practice and not doing well and me just leaving during class--which, yes I have a couple of times ran a quick errand, but have always been back on time to pick her up.  Really--what difference does it make if I am there or not--the girl is closed off in another room!  Wow!

Anyway--Alaina loves to dance.  However, I think her desire has lessened this year.  She is the youngest in her class and has not had the training that some of the other girls have (SHE IS FIVE YEARS OLD FOR GOODNESS SAKE!)  I have recorded her dance number, but she doesn't want to practice.  At this point, I think her performance at the recital will be a good lesson (and very cute!)  I know she will make mistakes and I am okay with that...SHE IS FIVE PEOPLE!!!! It's like t-ball--I enjoy watching it because the kids are all making mistakes.  It's cute and fun! 

I have to say I was very tempted to ask the ladies if they were saying nice things about the girls or were they being mean and saying things that would only hurt feelings....boy, sometimes I am SO CLOSE to speaking my mind it is scary.  (I apologize ahead of time for when I am old and senile.)

I suppose it hasn't helped that Alaina does not have any outside relationships with girls in the class.  I also think the fact that recital is only once a year is a bit much for a five year old.  Really--the should have a few performances so they can really see the payoff of their work.  Anyway--I am not sure I will take Alaina back there after this year.  Not because of the mom's, but because of her lack of motivation.  Unless she is asking, and then we will sign her up for the community classes. 

On our way back from ballet I asked Alaina what she likes to do.  I really want her to have some things special to her and it seems she doesn't have anything she really wants to pursue (hence the --we sign her up and give her SOMETHING to try out.)  She then started telling me things that never happened that she LOVES to do.  i.e read a chapter book in her bedroom (hmmm...helps if you can read a chapter book), have me get her up in the middle of the night after she is naughty and watch a video downstairs together (she insisted I did this with her before---yeah, didn't happen...) 

I gotta admit I was getting pretty frustrated with her.

After our interesting ballet encounter, we were off for a double header at the ball park.  Ky had a game first--and wow!  He had a really great hit, unfortunately it went right at the pitcher and even he was dumbfounded that he caught it.  His other hits all got him on base--but wow!  That first one was pretty spectacular.

Alaina had a fun game as well.  I especially liked it when 2 kids mixed up which bases they were supposed to go to.  OH, and when Alaina accidentally clobbered the 2nd baseman when she was running to second base.  Ah!  Now that is childhood!

As we were driving home I had a good conversation with Alaina.  She did not want to go to her friend's b'day party because he was a boy--and there would be LOTs of boys there.  Rob and I had ultimately decided that it was not a valid excuse and to let her miss the party because "there were boys" would be affirming her "boys are icky" mentality (which I know all girls go through--but still--we are trying to shut that down as quick as possible.)  I talked with her about how Jesus made boys and girls and by being mean to them she was being mean to God's special creation.  It seemed to work.  She then said she would go to his party.  She even colored a race car picture for him!

She did well at the party.  My friend said she was quiet, but I know she had fun.  Plus there is one other girl that she got to know (who will most likely be in her class next year).  Well done Alaina!  I'm proud of you!

After we picked up Alaina we went to church.  Church was rejuvenating for me.  I needed it.  I am thankful that we have a church that we enjoy and can minister to us.

I am looking forward to tomorrow morning with the kids.  Daddy will be waiting in line for beer tickets and the kids and I are going to eat pancakes and watch movies AND Daddy will rototill my garden!  YEAH! 

Hebrews 2:9
But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone,

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