Monday, May 19, 2014

Friday, May 16

It has been a LONG and EXHAUSTING week!

We have been working hard on straightening behaviors and making sure we are completing our responsibilities.  It has helped!  I have also been trying to make sure I have some one on one time with each of the girls each day.  (Ky has been harder since he is at school for much of the day.)  This week, Alaina has also been learning that it is not okay to be late to school.  She has had a very rough week by either not listening--getting ready for school.  Or by lolly-gagging on the walk to school and expecting me to stop for her every time she picks a flower--and let me tell you, she had a very large bouquet one day with A LOT of tears.  When we arrived at school (barely on time and with her face full of tears since she had to run to catch up), she through the bouquet on the ground when I asked her if picking all those flowers were worth the feelings she had now--ESPECIALLY when she knows she can pick many at home (they are just dandelions) or even on the walk home after school.  UGH!  She was late to school again today (with Daddy).  Hopefully things will be better next week.

So let's see...what happened this week?

Monday night, Nana came and stayed with us.  This was such a blessing not only for the kids, but for us as well.  Rob and I worked hard to finish all of our Foster care training and extra paperwork (yes, they gave us more!) for our meeting on Thursday.  I felt the meeting went really well and we are ready to move on to the next step.  Many of our questions were answered and concerns were addressed.  We were given great contact information for help in all sorts of areas.  It was also neat to see the many extra training options that would be available to us.  I think we will become better parents with the new resources.

Tuesday was a relaxing day at home.  Olesya came and helped me make curtains for the girls' room.  One curtain is done, and the other is close.  It is such a blessing to have her as a resource.  That evening I went with Olesya and Shannon to see the movie Mom's Night Out.  It was a good movie and really hit home with some different points.  It was very funny and clean!  YEAH!  When I came home, Rob told me that Alaina had lost her first tooth.  It fell out while he was brushing her teeth.  WOW!  She lost her tooth a full year before Ky lost his first tooth.  My little girl is growing up fast!

Wednesday was just CRAZY.  I had some pretty crabby kids that didn't want to run errands--but Wednesday is errand day!  DEAL WITH IT!  I was glad when it was naptime.  That night the Alaina had a ball game and Ky had his Awana Awards night so Dad and I had to split up.  I went with Talia to Ky's Awana's and Daddy took Alaina to t'ball.  I was very proud of Ky.  He received a book completion award.  Most kids complete a book in one year.  Ky was only in Awana's for half of the year and he rocked it.  Afterwards we enjoyed ice cream sundaes--except for Talia.  Talia refused to eat dinner and I had forewarned her that she would not be getting ice cream then.  Yup--it was quite the tantrum she threw at church.  The girl has got to learn.  The hammer has fallen and she is old enough to understand now. 

Thursday was our meeting with the Foster Care advisor as I mentioned above.  I am nervous and excited to move forward.  We will need to purchase smoke detectors and outlet protectors, but otherwise I think the next steps should be fine.  There will be house inspections and more interviews.  I also did some garage saling on Thursday.  I had some good clothing finds.  I bought Alaina  some things and Kylan as well.  I think he may be set for pants next year (let's keep our fingers crossed!) This time when I went garage saling I took the DVD player for the girls.  It worked out really well.  They stayed in the van while I went and looked and it saved a lot of time of getting them in and out of the van.

That night Ky had a ball game and the girls and I stayed home while Daddy took Ky.  We had a nice time having a leisurely dinner and then taking baths.  I was pretty proud that I had the girls in bed before Ky & Daddy got home.

Friday I subbed.  I took a special ed job purposely because I wanted to avoid having 20+ kids who are hyper since it is the end of the year.  However, the few students I had did not make my day easy.  I had "runners"  young kids that run out of the building and into the street without any regard to traffic.  Yeah....good thing I do try to stay in shape.  It was not an easy day.  And I really became frustrated when I was having problems with a student and my "lead" teacher walked by me without offering to help--and then did not come to my aid when I asked for help.  Yep--at that point I was done with my day.  After I got out, I garage saled briefly, but spent a lot of time just driving around.  I needed some time to vent--a little time to pray--and time to collect myself.  I struggle with the special ed program.  I feel that many of these students should not be put in a mainstream classroom.  They cannot function there and they are a disturbance to the regular classroom environment.  Well--that is my 2 cents on that.

After I came home, (I found our neighbors playing basketball with Kylan--very neat!), we had a nice dinner.  I wanted to have a family game night, but kid behaviors and a late meal prevented that from happening.  Oh well.  We will try again later.  I fell asleep immediately on the couch (I was quite pathetic company for Rob.)  Did I mention Ky had had nightmares that night and I was up with him?  He was in our bed for a bit and then I made a bed for him on the floor.  I am glad that he still comes to us for comfort.  Someday, he will feel he is too big for that.  Speaking of which, my boy is turning 8 in a few short weeks!  Where has the time gone?!   I am so proud of the young man he has become. 

So I am off on my blogging--I am not always able to blog every night with the baseball schedules and such.  So right now it is a game of catch up.  Hopefully I will get things back to speed in a few whiles.  (Quoting Talia.) 

Psalms 27:13-14
I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!

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