Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday, April 18

I know, I know...I haven't blogged!  But I haven't been home at my designated time TO blog!  It has been a busy week.

Let's see.  Tuesday...oh man this week is such a blur.  YES, now I remember.  Tuesday, I received a phone call first thing in the morning from my mom's husband Terry.  He instantly had me worried that something had happened with my mom. I hope I wasn't too abrupt with him, but I needed to know the purpose of the phone call.  Sadly, my cousin's wife had passed away.  While I didn't know her well, I know she was a kind woman who loved the Lord.  I also know that she meant the world to my cousin.  Her death was expected, since she had been battling cancer for some time.  My mom had also given me a heads up earlier letting me know that her time was coming soon.  My thoughts and prayers go out to him and her family. 

Well, after that depressing start to the day I was fortunate to meet up with my good friend Julie at the pool.  Our kids had a WONDERFUL time playing together.  It was also good to see that Talia still LOVES jumping in the water and attempting to swim.  I had fun with both girls jumping in the pool and then challenging Ky to a game of water basketball. 

After the pool, we all returned to my house for some lunch and downtime.  Our kids play togethe so well.  And I had fun just chilling with Julie.  It was good to know that she was there, because I felt a little off from the phone call.  My heart really goes out to my cousin and I wish we were closer.

Tuesday night, Nana came to stay over.  Unfortunately my beans (that I had presoaked the night before and then had in the slow cooker ALL DAY) were still hard.  So I googled it and learned that dry beans don't rehydrate well with tomatoes.  THEN WHY DOES THE RECIPE HAVE ME DO IT THIS WAY?  AND IN THE SLOW COOKER!  Can you tell I am still annoyed?  So I had to have a plan B for dinner and thankfully Rob helped me with that.  We did eggs and potatoes and fruit.  It was a good dinner, but a late dinner.

After dinner I had a brief escape with my best friend to Orange Leaf.  Fill your bowl for $4.15. YUM!  We had a big bowl of yumminess and some time to chat.  It was nice. 

On Wednesday, I took all the kids grocery shopping.  And it went FINE!  Yeah!  I was a little curious how things would go.  After that I dropped the girls off at a friend's house so I could take Ky to the dentist to get sealants put on.  After that we had a nice lunch at McD's--just the 2 of us.  I always enjoy one on one time with my kids.  They act SO much more mature, and I am able to give them my full attention.  We had a nice time. 

We had a lazy afternoon at home.  We planted my blueberry bushes and then took Alaina to her first t-ball practice.  She did pretty good.  She may have screamed and shouted she wasn't going, but when she saw her friends there she was a happy camper and really trying hard.  I am proud of my girl.  Ky also wanted to help "coach" so he offered his services to the coach--very cute!  Though Daddy then came to get him and take him to AWANA's.  I then picked him up afterwards and took him to the Dollar Store so he could pick out birthday gifts for Talia.  What a great big brother!  I didn't get home until late so no blogging for me!

On Thursday we had an unusual day.  My friend Olesya volunteers at American Girl and mentioned she could get some dolls for me.  I guess I haven't been too keen on getting one.  The hype and the cost just seem outrageous.  However, when she told me she could get me one for $13, I figured--hey, why not.  It will be a nice gift down the line for the girls.   But, first we were off to Playgroup at McD's.  (The weather was not good this week for outings.)  The girls and I had a nice time chatting while the kids played.  It is amazing to see how big our oldest ones have gotten and to think that 7 years ago?!  we were getting together for our first playgroups.  Where has the time gone??? 

After playgroup we stopped at the library and then ran to Olesya's to pay her back for the doll she picked up for me.  WOW!  I have to say, I was/am impressed. She picked up the historic "Julie" doll for me.  (I asked her to get one that looked like Alaina--and Julie is pretty darn close!)  She is a beautiful doll--and only $6!  I couldn't pick up a crappy doll for that much.  She has one minor defect in her hair, that you don't even notice.  I am excited.  Alaina is going to lover her.  In fact, I have already purchased an outfit and shoes for her.  I think I will just keep picking up outfits and make this doll her 6th birthday gift.  Now, I need one for Talia. 

So Olesya and I had a great time.  We are so alike, I am happy we found each other.  We discussed blueberry bushes and blackberry bushes.  I saw her seedlings that she is growing for her garden downstairs.  She was baking some awesome apple cake--and she gave some to me! MMMMMMM!!!!  She also watched the kids (the older 2) while Talia and I ran to the Department of Human Services to get my fingerprints done for fostering.  Yup, we are moving along in the process--just a bit slower than I thought. 

After that we were back at home briefly.  I made the kids ooey gooey popcorn and let them watch a movie while I prepared for my book study that night--yeah, I kind of got behind.  And Thursday night I went to that while Rob took all 3 kiddos to Ky's b'ball practice.  Whew!  I have not been home to tuck my kids in bed the last couple of nights (and that is when I blog.)  Tonight will be different.

Today was another good day.  After the gym, the kids and I came back and did some coloring to earn free icecream coupons from the library.  Gotta love free icecream! We then went to Costco for lunch.  The kids loved all the samples. After that we had hotdogs and soda (well they had hotdogs and soda, I grabbed a smoothie.)  Man those hotdogs are HUGE!!!!  And Alaina ate all of hers!

We came back quite happy and full.  We then decided to "egg" some of our neighbors and began assembling the egg baskets.  Egging is simply hiding easter eggs with goodies in their yard, leaving a note on their door that says "You've been egged--find the eggs", and ringing the doorbell and running.  The kids LOVED it! 
We also made resurrection rolls (Jesus is the marshmallow, the crescent roll is the tomb, bake it--the tomb is empty.)  The kids enjoyed that.

At the end of the day our friend Karl came over.  He is going to give us an estimate of how much it will cost us to put an addition on our house.  (Make a master bedroom suite over the garage.)  We are still up in the air on whether or not to move eventually, so we figure we need to at least get an idea of how much it would cost to add on instead of move.  Afterall, we love our location and the schools--and our yard is pretty good (though I wouldn't mind a little bigger.) I guess we will see what he comes back with and then decide from there.

We missed the Good Friday service because of how long the estimate took (bummer). But it was nice to catch up with an old friend and we tried to spend some extra time talking with the kids today about Good Friday. 

Now the kids are tucked in bed.  Alaina has put on her night lipstick (seriously--she feels she has lipstick for night time).  And Rob and I can finally relax.  It has been a pretty good Spring Break, but I feel like it has been too busy to really enjoy the kids--unlike winter break.  Well, good thing we have a WHOLE summer to make up for it! :)

Later Gators!
Matthew 27:51-54
At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people.
When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!”

Proud puzzlin' together

the girls gave me a new "do"

Egging one of our friends

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