Sunday, January 12, 2014

January 12

I am thankful that even though the kids got up early, Rob let me sleep in until 8:00! I am thankful that I was able to be a blessing in Sunday School this morning. I am thankful that I was able to accomplish so much today and with the kids help! I am thankful that Alaina offered and then did vacuum the whole downstairs when I said she didn't have to. I am thankful she also helped me clean out cabinets and really enjoyed it. I am thankful that she wanted to watch me cut the cantaloupe because she "wanted to learn so she knew how to do it when she was a parent." I am thankful for our good friend Wendy, we always enjoy her visits and she truly brightens anyone day. I am thankful that the kids feel the same affection towards her--as they waited 45 minutes by the window waiting for her! I am thankful that my children have learned Christians songs to sing over and over and over and over and over (until I want to pull my hair out)--at least they are songs that build their relationship with God and that build character. I am thankful for Alaina and her desire for creativity and beauty--it was fun watching her do Wendy, Rob and my hair--and Talia trying to followin in her footsteps. I am thankful for "Breakfast for Dinner" Sundays--there is no better way to kick off the work week. I am thankful that Ky is learning resposibility and spent time researching turtles and writing down what he needed to know to have one as a pet. I am thankful for Bible Study offerings. While I was hoping for something closer, I think I will try one a little further away. I am nervously excited since it is over a book I had been wanting to read, but it will be in a new place with new people. I am hoping it will be small enough for me to connect with other women, but not too small that I feel like an outsider.


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