Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday, January 24

Today, was a wonderful day and I am thankful for that.  We were up and off to school without a problem.  I had a nice workout and we ran to the store to pick up a few items I had ordered.  I had ordered Alaina ballet shoes at Payless and it turned out they were too big so I had to exchange them.  When I exchanged them the lady informed me that I could get another pair half price since they were having the BOGO 1/2 off sale.  SWEET!  So I picked up Ky a pair of basketball shoes that he loves.  I am thankful for shoes for him.  (He wears out shoes so quickly!)

We then went to get Kylan since it was an early release day--yeah a blessing to have my boy home early and no school for Alaina.  I had arranged for my friend, Olesya to come over with her kids for a playdate.  We had a wonderful time.  Our kids play so well together AND they even went outside and played for a bit! YEAH!  I was blessed by great conversation with a wonderful friend and she blessed me by showing me how to better clean my stove and over---and she cleaned it!!!  WOW!!!  (I took pictures at Olesya's recommendation.  She said, "we don't get to appreciate our hardwork for very long when we have kids so we need to take pics to remember!  I think she is right!) 

We decided that we need to have these playdates more often and switch houses and help each other try to clean and organize.  It's so much more fun when you have a friend.  After they left, Talia went down for a nap and the big kids did school work.  This gave me an opportunity to do my Bible study.  What a blessing it was to have this time! 

The girls and I then did some puzzles before we headed over to our friend Nathan & Angela's house.  Once again the kids played together really well and I am thankful for the time of adult conversation.  It was a wonderful time of connection and friendship.  It's amazing how others can bring you such cheer.  It was a wonderful start of the weekend. 

Psalm 92:1
 It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High;

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