Saturday, January 25, 2014

January 25, 2014

Another glorious day to give thanks for.

Rob and I slept in a little (7:30 is a little around here!) I came downstairs and saw Kylan reading to the girls.  LOVE these moments.  The girls then excitedly brought me pictures they had drawn for me.  Alaina had clearly drawn the person on Talia's picture for her to color in and also written "To Mom Love Talia" on it.  She is such a wonderful big sister, so loving and helpful with her younger sister. 

From there our relaxation ended as we made breakfast and worked to get Alaina, Talia & Rob out the door for Alaina's ballet practice.  Things were a little rocky, but they did finally leave.  (I think everyone just wanted to be lazy!)  I took Ky to basketball and enjoyed watching him proudly playing in his new shoes.  It was fun to watch him as he would look over at me periodically and smile.  I could see that he was thankful and proud that I was there.  That made me feel so good and loved. 

After the game, we ran home because Lorayne, an old friend of Rob & his mom, was visiting from Oregon.  When we arrived home it was excitement.  The girls were already clinging to Lorayne and Kylan was crawling in her lap shortly afterwards.  It was neat to see the kids bond with her so quickly when they did not know her.  We had a great time looking at pictures, reconnecting, playing games, trying on her jewelry (Alaina, of course) and sharing lunch together.  The time passed WAY to fast before she had to go.  It was a blessed time and I am thankful that we had this time to get to know each other better and share where our lives are at.

After Lorayne left (Alaina helped her with her coat and gloves) it was quick baths and pizza/movie night.  We watched Mary Poppins.  (We had just finished the book.)  The kids really enjoyed the movie, and I reminisced watching it with my own mother.  This, however, was Rob's first viewing which I interrupted by asking him if he wanted to get rid of any of his wrestling videos.  (Cleaning and Organizing month, remember?)  Well, that took a lot more time than I expected--but I have Mary Poppins DVR'd so he can watch it again if he likes.  It was a wonderful time we shared with the kids (except for all the farting...I don't know why I have a gassy family--but I do...) 

So the most wonderful and BLESSED part of my day was receiving an email from my friend Crystal letting me know her family has returned from China and with the email she included a picture of their beautiful new girl!  Oh, how my heart rejoices!  I am so thankful that God kept them safe and it appears that there little girl is adjusting.  I can't wait to hear more from her about their travels and their new daughter.  --And oddly enough, last night I no longer had dreams about them.  Perhaps, my prayers were answered and they were home safe so the dreams no longer needed to be there to remind me to pray for them and their journey.  At the same time, I know their journey is just beginning as a new family.  I am so excited for them. 

Psalm 147:7
Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; make melody to our God on the lyre!

Anyway--off to got finish my cleaning of the video cabinet & snuggle with the hubby. 

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