Monday, January 28, 2019

Day 1 of no school

I don't believe the storm was as bad as they said it was going to be. They canceled school last night around 6 pm. This morning when we got up around 7:30 we only had about five inches of snow. By this afternoon we probably did have a total of 8 in. This morning I got the kids going by telling them no media until you have played outside for a bit. They have been stir crazy with being inside too much the last couple weeks. And with today being the warmest day of the week I needed to take advantage of that. The girls charged off to go sledding at a hill nearby. Kylan chose to help me snow blow. It was his first time behind the blower. I think he liked it much better than shoveling. Lucy was as playful as ever in the snow. She loves jumping at the snow when you dump the snow off the shovel. She also doesn't mind getting hit by the snow blower snow. She is a silly dog. After the fun outside kylan came in and baked banana muffins and homemade pretzels. Yum! It was a quiet and relaxing afternoon. I got a lot of work done and the girls had some fun time playing. Tonight we'll play the game Candoo as a family. It was something I saw at Goodwill yesterday and thought a new game would be in

order for this dreary weather. Don't know if we'll have school tomorrow. It is going to be very questionable with the temperatures. We will see!

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