Thursday, April 27, 2006

20 weeks

In February, we went in for our 20 week ultrasound. We decided that we did not want to know the gender of Junior. The ultrasound went really well. In fact we have several minutes of actual live videotape. (At one point on the tape the baby opens up his/her little hand and almost seems to wave--cute little fingers!) The baby is healthy and was estimated to be several ounces bigger than the average baby. This doesn't arise concern to others, but since my mom all had 9 and 10 pound babies, I am concerned about how big this baby will get. (After all--I have to do all the work.) Below are pictures from the ultrasound. The baby looks kind of alien in the facial pictures. We love the picture that shows the profile and the little foot. How neat it is to see all the little ribs. Be aware that the baby is a little over a pound at this point and has developed so much! How cool!

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