Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Little Robessica

So, in early October Rob and I discovered that we were expecting our first little one. We are both very excited and yet very scared about the new member of the family. Below are pictures of the ultrasound taken at 8 weeks. Yes, we are both proud parents of a kidney bean with limbs. We kept the secret to ourselves for a very long time. We figured that we should get adjusted to the idea of being parents before we told the world.

We revealed our secret to our parents at Christmas. We had copies made of the ultrasound, framed, and wrapped them as a present. Mom Irvin was the first to open hers. Before she had it open she said "Is this a picture of my grandson?" She was referring to Bear--but Rob and I didn't realize. So I answered "maybe." She was very excited. My brother Joel, was the other memorable opening of the picture. He looked at Rob and said--"got one pass the old goalie--eh?"

Mom Herbst opened hers and began to ball. Jan however couldn't tell what the picture was. This was a humorous situation. So Mom is pointing the picture out to Jan--not speaking any words, and Jan is confused. I dont' remember if she actually figured it out or if one of us had to finally tell her what the picture was.

When we gave the present to Pops, he was elated. He jumped out of his chair and gave Rob and I big hugs and ran to Debi. Debi however had no idea what the picture was either. It was her son Ryan that had to finally tell her what she was looking at.

So Christmas was a great time. MOst of our friends and family, however did not find out until January. Some even Febuary. (YEs, I was able to easily hide it for that long.)

I am thankful that I had little to no morning sickness, however I did have some problems with my iron levels and pretty bad cold in January (the reason some people did not find out until February.)

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