Thursday, April 27, 2006

The accident

On March 26th, we were in a car accident. We had just finished a wonderful walk on the lakefront with Mom Herbst & Jan. We were returning and had icecream on the brain (well Rob & I did anyway.) When a guy ran a stop sign and hit the door I was sitting at. Luckily we were all fine.

In the few seconds before we were hit I leaned over to hug Rob--which probably is what helped there to be little injury. The car hit my door, and since Rob was hugging me--I was away from the impact and had his arms to shelter me. Unfortunately, I was unable to shelter Rob's face. My head went into his eye (and you can see the damage that I caused.) We went to the hospital via ambulance (since we had no other way to get there--and we wanted to make sure the baby was fine.) After many hours of waiting the doc pretty much said "both of you look good!" He cleaned up Robby's eye, which looked a bit painful since the blood had dried and it had continued to swell. Then he charged us $600 (not including the ambulance fee.) Healthcare costs are outrageous considering the long wait and the fact that the doc was only with us about 10 minutes. Oh yeah--I forgot to mention that Rob lost most of his eyelashes due to the trauma.

Well after that I was sent up to L & D for observation for four hours. I guess this is mandatory for anyone who is in an accident (and is pregnant). This was interesting since I had already been in ER for four hours with little regard to my pregnancy.

Anyway the nurses there were wonderful and spoiled me. I was beginning to think that this labor and delivery stuff might not be too bad. However it turns out that I was having some preterm labor contractions. They ended up keeping me overnight and continued to watch. So I sort of got my first taste of labor (except there was no pain--all I could feel was the muscles tightening and loosening.)

Rob was wonderful!!! He brought me food and stayed the night with me on the very uncomfortable mattress placed on the floor. I didn't sleep much because it wasn't my bed and honestly I was worried. But everything worked out fine. It was not time for Robessica to meet us yet.

So pictures are below of Rob's eye. I also got a very minor black eye from his shoulder, and there is a picture of me at 28 weeks. These were all taken 3 days after the accident.

Oh a few funny side notes---The nurses thought Jan was my mother--so we kept up that charade very well--however Jan really struggled when the nurse asked her to fill out some paperwork. The L & D provides sexy one size fits all underwear for the ladies. Ohhhh--and they have a heater that they keep blankets in. Well that's all for now.

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