Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Last day at school

Well, It's my last day at Rufus King and I will really miss this place. It is hard for me to deal with all the emotions when I have so much else going on right now....But alas, I have emptied my file cabinets, mail box, and turned in my grades & keys. I am glad that I already said my goodbye's to the kids--that was the hardest part. I leave them with my well wishes and prayers to become the best that they can be. I will miss my coworkers as well, in particular my partner Mr. Dupies, my friend Ms. Powell, my confident Ms. Sauve, Ms. Harvey, Mr. Willis, Mr. Smith--well I guess everyone (otherwise this list would just keep going). So why are my thoughts askew...let's see...

So yesterday pictures were taken and my beloved house was officially listed. Here is the information if you guys would like to see...

The pictures don't do the house justice...It is so much more beautiful. We redid every room in the house except the room with the pooh mural. That was there originally. I will be putting up before and after pictures eventually. I just haven't had the time...I only wish the listing could tell of the little things such as the herbal garden outside the side door (I love the smell of sage and basil as I walk out of the house.) The laundry chute in which I had so much joy...the raspberry bushes that Rob and I planted last year. The garden that is bountiful and will soon be full of sugar snap peas and green beans. And the Delphinium (one of our wedding flowers) that Robby bought me--he said that they meant "Beautiful Spirit" which reminded him of me.

So what else is going on-- you ask. Well yesterday I found out that I am 60 - 70% effaced and 1 - 2 cm. dilated at 36 weeks. You know what that means---technically I am almost halfway through the first stage of labor. This doesn't necessarily mean the baby will come soon, but it does appear to indicate that it is a good possibility. At my appointment yesterday my BP was 128/75, better than Saturday's reading of 138/80--but the doctor told me that if I have any further complications she was going to induce me. She also has me visiting her 3 times a week so she can keep an eye on me.

I told Rob the news on the phone, and you should have heard the panic in his voice--the idea of the baby possibly coming soon scared him. It has to be hard to be on the outside of all of this. While I have enjoyed the pregnancy, I am growing more uncomfortable and bedrest is not my idea of fun--I have too much I want to do. He on the otherhand is counting on having 4 weeks yet until the arrival and has absolutely no input or control to how it will all work out.

Okay so one last thing....for mother's day I asked Rob to have some portraits done of my tummy (by the way did i mention there is currently a smiley face below my belly button--you can thank rob for that). I came up with most of the poses and we hired a photographer and they just arrived yesterday. So here are some really cool pics (some of my favorites that I would like to share.) THese are 36 week photographs--and yes, my eyes are droopy because I am SOOOOO tired!

Hmmm...they don't appear to be uploading...I guess the pics will have to be on the next blog...

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