Sunday, May 28, 2006

Pregnancy Complications

I have enjoyed being pregnant for the most part. It is so exciting feeling the kicks and hiccups (this kid has lots of hiccups!). However the last few weeks have been getting complicated, beyond the normal feet in my lungs and head in my pelvis.

The doc has been concerned that I am showing signs of preeclampsia. I have had high blood pressure, enormous swelling, and mild headaches....The swelling has been the worst part. Sometimes you can't see my ankles anymore. Othertimes my legs and feet actually become numb from the water....or my favorite I get cramps in the muscles of my legs because the water squishes them.

So yeah--bed rest, yadda yadda, keep legs elevated...drink fluids...what fun...

Who has time for all that when I have to prepare to move, finish preparing for the baby and finish out the school year. I had to beg the doc to let me finish the last few days of school. She wrote me a note saying that I should not work more than half days....

So anyway--the purpose of today's blog is to record yesterday. Yesterday, we were in Sun Prairie looking at a house we are pretty interested in. I laid down for most of the car ride and was only on my feet for about 3-4 hours....However on the car ride back I began to have some pretty big contractions (Big in the terms of --the strongest I have felt yet.) They were not regular, so I knew that it was false labor. When we got home I laid on the couch, feet elevated, drank juice, yadda yadda, and timed the contractions. Well anyway after a period of time I noticed the baby was not moving. THis was a little concerning, so I had Rob rub my tummy which usually gets him/her moving. But it didn't...So then I went to the one thing that always gets him/her moving --music. We put that on--but she/he still did not move. Almost an hour had gone by without him/her moving so I called the doc. (If you don't know about pregnancy--a baby typically moves 20 - 30 times an hour--this is why there was concern.) They asked me to come in and get monitored...

So we drove to the hospital....(2nd visit for this child)....On the way to the hospital, he/she began moving again!! YEAH!!! But they still recommended that I come in and get monitored....So that was a fun and long visit at the hospital. Baby Schnake was monitored for about two hours and was reacting very well with a strong heartbeat and good reactivity. (Of course she/he is going to be on good behavior for the doc.)

So all is well--but I just wanted to have this documented so that I can tell this child of the things he/she put me through even before birth...

1 comment:

Julie said...

I'm glad everything is ok. I check your blog pretty regularly as to not bother you with pestering phone calls. (For example, "Is she/he here yet? Is she/he here yet?")