Sunday, May 28, 2006

The promotion

Robby has received a promotion at American Family. I am so proud of him. He has worked very hard to earn it! He is now a Risk Managment Consultant....A fancy title for a fancy job. YEAH ROB BY!

With all good things though come change, and well we are beginning another big change. Good-bye Milwaukee, hello Madison.

We are sad to leave our house, especially since we almost have it just the way we want it. However, Madison is a good city and I am sure we will find a great house there. I will really miss my job. I love my school and honestly cannot imagine enjoying another school as much. How many people can say that when they get to their job they walk down the halls with a hop in their step and a smile on their face. Who can say that there are NEVER two days alike. I have worked with over 200 kids in the past year and I feel so close to all of them. It has been a privilege to be apart of their lives. Okay--enough of the kooky stuff...

So the back to the move. We are hoping to have the house on the market this weekend. We have already begun looking at houses in Madison. The complicated part of all of this is the baby's actual arrival. If he/she would just let us know when he/she is planning on entering the world it would make things so much easier for us. So are we moving before or after the baby is born??? We have no idea. We do know it is going to be rough either way. ...

Stay tuned to future posts on the house...we have lots of before and after pictures...we have really transformed the house in Milwaukee. ...and are so proud....

1 comment:

Julie said...

Congratulations, Rob!