Monday, June 19, 2006

First week home

There has not been a dull moment since Kylan has come home. We have learned so much from him.

We have learned that Kylan has super powers. First of all, he knows when we are not in the room with him. For example, he refuses to sleep in his bedroom. Even if we put music on for him or lights, he knows that we are not there. However, if he is in our bedroom in his pack n’ play, he is fine—even though he cannot see or hear us.

He also has what Mark and Ang coined as “explosive poo.” After the first day home with us, Kylan knew exactly when we were changing his diaper and was able to perfectly plan when he would poop/pee. Rob and I even had a technique down, where we would quickly cover his lil’ pencil once we removed the old diaper. However, Kylan would still manage to take advantage of that split second to pee (usually on himself.) (This reminds me—I don’t think we mentioned when Rob changed him at the hospital his first day of life and little Kylan managed to pee on his own face.) The explosive poo is much worse than the pee. When Kylan takes a dump, he covers as much of a radius as he can. WATCH OUT!!! Yeah—this was not much fun. I think in the series of two days he had managed to stain six outfits. (Now we know we are real parents, when our conversation leads to our child’s pee and poop habits.)

Kylan can also already manage to roll over on his side. We don’t know if his center of gravity is off or if he really has the muscles to move himself. He will only sleep on his back if he is very VERY tightly swaddled.

The doc also showed us that Kylan has the strength to scoot himself forward if placed on his stomach. Yes—super powers…We choose to believe our child is just advanced.

Have I mentioned yet how much Kylan likes to grunt. Yes, grunt. Sometimes he sounds like a goat, other times he sounds like an old man. Continual grunting—when he’s awake or asleep. I like it. Rob wishes Kylan would sleep soundly.

I have to say, I am really impressed by how little he cries. He may make a pathetic sob sound from time to time, but otherwise he cries very little. It is like he knows that it’s not worth the effort. We will come and get him and try to figure out what he needs. He is very mellow. I don’t think we could have asked for a better kid.

Let’s see..other updates….When we left the hospital with Kylan on Sunday, June 11th, he weighed 6 lbs 7 oz. At his appointment on Tuesday June 13th, he weighed 6 lbs. 13 oz. Tomorrow we go back..and I am sure he is around 7 ½ pounds.

We have given Kylan two baths as well since we have come home. The most recent (today) gave him his first rash. We were a bit concerned, but it quickly faded. I think it was from his new towel. Mental note—wash all clothing, towels, rags before using on infant.

Okay--that's all for now....

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