Monday, June 12, 2006

June 7th

So much has happened since we last had computer access. We just got home last night, Sunday- June 11th. So I figured I would just create a blog for each day since June 6th. (that way we can include lots of pics and tell of what happened.) I am using this blog to not only update friends and relatives, but as a diary for us.

So, on June 6th, Robby and I arrived at the hospital at 9:00 pm for our 8:00 pm appointment. (we were a bit scared and drug our feet.) The nurse was very nice and promised not to tattle on us. So she got me settled in with a very painful IV ( She couldn't find the vein--OUCH!), and told me she was going to get me started on the full dose of pitocin.

This is when Robby and I argued with the nurse--Dr. Goldman had told us that she was going to start us off on a slow drip, so I could sleep through the night. Apparently, she had changed her mind. This also sucked since I was exhausted and knew that I needed every possible wink of sleep. This is when she was given the name "Evil Dr. Goldman."

The nurse also told us that with the fast drip, we may have a baby by morning. So we quickly called all the relatives and let them know.

So throughout the night I was up, though attempted to doze. I had some good contractions (not very painful) and was constantly monitored by the nurse and blood pressure machine.

By 7:00 AM there was no sign of baby. The doc came in and said I was 3 cm. dilated and 70% effaced (not much progress.) She then broke my water, to get things going. The next nurse said that there was a good chance I would have the baby by 7PM and so once again we called all the relatives and let them know. The contractions definitely increased in severity, but what really sucked was the fact that I was bedridden. My blood pressure was too high so they would only let me out of bed for 15 minutes at a time. By 12:30 the contractions became the strongest I had experienced and I was getting exhausted. It was my choice to find out how far along I was, but I did not want to be disappointed if I was only 4 or 5 cm dilated. By 3pm I was in tears, they were keeping me in bed and the contractions were dealable, but I needed sleep or food. I was exhausted, i had only gotten 1-2 hours of sleep in 31 hours--oh and what is most important is that I hadn't eaten anything in 20 hours. I was starved! I begged for some food, but they said no. So I asked to find out how far I was. The nurse came in and checked and said that I was 4-5 cm dilated and 70% effaced. I was making very little progress and at this rate the baby would not be born until the next day. The nurse told me if I got an epidural I would at least be able to sleep--so that is what i did and I don't think I will ever get another one again (unless put in the same situation.)--Please don't ask for the details---

So by 4 PM, I was resting somewhat comfortably and dozing. At 5 pm I was checked again and was still at 4-5 cm dilated. At. 7 pm I was checked again and was 5-6 cm and 90% effaced, but the doc said that things were going too slow, and now the baby was showing some signs of distress. It appears that the baby had it's head tilted up which was preventing it from coming down. The baby was located at zero station. She said that she would up my pitocin one last time and check back at 8:30.

I have to say my plans for labor had been almost completely ruined at this point. I was really bummed and Rob and I spent some time praying for a natural birth. I wanted to see my child arrive in the world and I wanted to be able to bond with him/her from the start.

At. 8:30, I still had not progressed and quick action for a c-section was taken. They wheeled me in the room and some doc named Ronan kept asking me to name my child after him. (I was emotionally a mess--and this is what I remember.) By 9:00 they were hacking into me. I asked if I could watch, but they would not let me. It is so weird, the feeling of being cut and not feeling the pain....I knew when they were pulling the baby out because I could feel the tugging on my skin and the release. The baby cried immediately and they said "It's a boy." They took him over to the warmer and I could see his little feet. With my insistance, Rob went with the baby to the nursery to make sure he was okay. The aftermath of the c-section was the worse. I would rather not say--but let me tell you I don't want to go through that again.

So a boy--I was anxious to see him. Rob and I did not have a boy's name picked out so this was going to be interesting. (Also at this point the relatives knew nothing of what had happened.) I asked Rob not to call anyone. I did not want other people to see my baby before I could.

So Baby Boy Schnake was born at 9:17 PM on June 7th, 2006. He weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz and was 19 inches long.

I held him briefly that night and attempted to nurse, but I was very exhausted (I had lost a lot of blood and was on a lot of drugs) so I honestly don't remember too much. I know Rob wanted to discuss names, but I pushed it off and fell into a deep DEEP sleep.

1 comment:

Julie said...

What a cute little baby boy!