Sunday, November 26, 2006

5 1/2 months

ARGH!!! blogger has cut off my ability to add pics again...i have more...oh well...

Always new things in the life of Kylan. Kylan now gives kisses --well actually he has been for about a month now...but now he does it a lot more often--and if you ask for one. He will open his mouth and basically drool on your cheek. If you are lucky he will lick you. It sounds gross, but coming from him, it is very cute. Kylan also sits up on his own very well now. He still tumbles from time to time, but for the most part he does well. He also crawls on his back. He will be laying on his back and will arch it and use his feet to scoot backwards. Luckily with this method he is unable to travel too fast. Ohhh..and Kylan is now officially ticklish. You can tickle him and he will laugh and squirm. Lots of fun!

Kylan has his first thanksgiving. He ate sweet potatoes for the first time. The top pic shows his reaction to that. A new food with lots of fun faces. But Kylan loves food and ate a whole lot of sweet potatoes on thanksgiving. He had thanksgiving brunch with Nana, Grandma Jan and her family. He was very sociable and looked smashing in his suit coat that Aunt Liz and Uncle Adam sent him. I have to say he was the best dressed. At thanksgiving at Grandpa and Grandma Debi's, Ky got to meet Aunt Steph for the first time. He also ate more sweet potatoes. The boy was in heaven.

So this coming week is a very big week. We are almost done packing. On Wednesday we close on the new house and begin to clean. On Thursday we finish cleaning and packing. On Friday we move. On Saturday we unpack. On Sunday we return to our old house and clean. And on Monday we close on the old house. A VERY BUSY TIME!!! So hopefully I update this again before the holidays....But I am not stressing about it. It will all work out. Kylan is also expecting a new cousin shortly after we close on the old house. He is very excited (or I should say that we tell him that he is very excited) for a new playmate.

Well that is all for this blog....The next entry will be from the new house. Tootles....

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