Friday, November 10, 2006

Five MONTHS!!!

Blogger has cut me off...It only allows me to add so many pics at a time--and well, I have a lot of entries to make up for....

So November 7th was a very big day. First of all it was Grandma's b'day. Secondly it was Ky's 5 month b'day. And lastly it was voting day. Kylan was very anxious about heading to the polls for his first voting day. I wish I had taken my camera along. I would have taken pictures of him in the voting booth. But alas, I forgot.

Lots of new stuff in the world of Kylan. First of all, Kylan has begun to sleep better at night. On Oct. 18th I woke up at 4:30 in the morning. I was in shock. Kylan had not woken me up yet...But I was sure he was going to wake me up soon. He had slept 5.5 hours and for sure would not go much longer. WEll I was up until 6:30 waiting for him to wake up. I even went to check on him several times, just to make sure he was okay. But there he was in his crib sleeping soundly...and here I was not able to sleep because he was sleeping. (Ironic..) So at 6:30 I woke him up to feed him so I could go back to sleep. Who knows how much longer he could have gone. So he slept 7.5 hours. Since then we have had at least three other nights where he has slept 7+ hours. Otherwise he has been sleeping at least 5 -6 hours before waking. I have so much more energy now. It's great.

Observations of Kylan in the last several weeks--

He knows his name. You can say his name and he will turn to you expectantly. He now outstretches his arms pretty regulary when he wants to be picked up. He has begun some serious giggling. He started laughing in September, but then it turned into shrieks, but now it is back to giggling. We think Kylan is going to be a singer--Axel Rose style. Every night when we go to prepare him for bed he makes these shrill noises. I don't know how to explain them, but you have to think he is hurting his voicebox. Ky loves to razz. He does it ALL the time. Unfortuantely this includes a lot of spit. Ky gave me kisses the other day. I was giving him kisses and he turned and slobbered on my cheek. It was very cute in a baby drool kind of way.
Ky is obsessed with food and drink. The boy trembles--yes TREMBLES with excitement when he sees us with food or a glass. He just prays that we are going to give him a taste.

So for Halloween, Ky went as a baby. Yes, we are not very imaginitive. But he did play in the leaves. He had fun. We dragged him on the tarp with the leaves from the back yard to the curb.

hMM...I think that wraps up the latest Kylan update. On Thanksgiving we are planning to feed him sweet potato. It should be an exciting time. That's all my thoughts for random as they are.

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