Monday, November 06, 2006

home sweet home

Well..the Lord works in mysterious ways. After several offers on houses that fell apart we finally have one that worked for the best. The above pictures are of our new house as of November 29th. It is a 3 bedroom colonial with a family room on the main level, lots of beautiful gardens and even a playhouse in the backyard. It is located on a cul de sac, where I met another stay at home mom who is also a teacher. This house is 4 miles from Rob's work and is less than a mile to most stores, the mall, the gym, about ideal location.

We got this house a week after it went on the market and for a fair amount less than asking. During the inspection, the roof was discovered to have problems, so the owners have agreed to put on a brand new roof before closing. They are a good christian couple (older) and ironically both graduated from Valpo (Rob and my alma mater.)

A few weeks before this house went on the market, Rob and I had decided that we were going to bite the bullet and just buy a house without selling ours. We knew it was going to be rough, however we were not going to deal with a winter of Rob's daily driving back and forth. After we put in an offer on this house, two days later we received an offer on our house. We know this was God. Perhaps this was a test of our faith. Us, taking the plunge, and trusting God to see us through and then we received the offer.

The offer was not the greatest offer, but it was enough. Actually it was the lowest price we had agreed to take for it (prior to the offer). We also felt somewhat insulted by some things the buyers wrote on their offer. We know we shouldn't feel insulted, but these people really have some issues. But God bless them and our old and new house. I will miss our current house. We have put a lot of work into it. But I am so glad to move on...

This is also why I have gotten so behind in the blog entries....Sorry for those who have noticed, but I imagine I will not be up to speed on blogging for at least a month with the impending move.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Wow. Sweet!!! Congratulations on all the house stuff.