Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What do cows and Kylan have in common?

They both like to eat grass!
It was so wonderfully warm, that Ky got to wear shorts and go outside and play--and he insisted on eating the grass. He would pick it and then try to put it in his mouth. While I would be emptying his hand of the grass, he would then pick it with his other hand and try to eat it. (This made picture taking very hard!) Eventually he threw a tantrum and got mad at me. I guess I am just not connected with my inner cow.
By the way, the top pic is my little boy giving me a kiss. He is the best little kisser. He will put both hands on your face and then open his mouth and drool all over your cheek. He is going to get all the little ladies with those smooches.
So Nana's B'day was last week. We had a very nice afternoon with her. Ky showed her how he was pushing his little FP toy around. He also had some very in-depth conversations with her. He is so funny when he talks to you. He will point at things and wave a hand in the air. He has some really important things to say--I just wish I knew what it was. Lately his favorite word has been "bum." You can say "Ky, what do you want to eat." He will reply "Bum." I am not sure where he picked it up from, but everything is "BUM". I never knew that Bum had so many meanings.
G'pa came over to watch some b'ball games with Ky and Rob. Ky had fun showing grandpa that he could walk. He also carefully inspected grandpa's teeth for cavities. His conclusion to G'pa's dental hygiene---what else--"Bum." So profound. My boy is a genius.
I had my first shift at the Y this week. It went pretty well. I was holding a six month baby and feeding him his bottle. Ky was jealous. So then I ended up with two babies in my lap. Ky was a bit clingy. I don't know if it was because of the new place, or because my attention was on other children--not just him. He is just going to have to learn to share mom a couple of times a week. Of course he knows that he will always be my number one bum!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

My baby is WALKING!!!!

Yes he is! Not even 9 1/2 months! This kid astonishes me. 13! That is the most steps he has taken without falling. WOW! When he is walking, he is always sticking his tongue out too! Silly boy! Wow I am not sure I have much more to write than to say he is walking...
okay, well maybe a little more. So about a week or so ago I noticed that Ky was starting to let go of things and taking one or two steps before grabbing onto anything. So I started encouraging him to let go and to walk to me a few steps away. That started it--and now he is loving it. He walks kind of like a penguin. It is funny. I don't think he understands the whole bending of the knees concept. It will come soon. Short blog entry today---Just had to let everyone know that my baby is WALKING!!!

Stay tuned for Nana's b'day and a visit with G'pa

Monday, March 12, 2007

9 Months!

My Gosh! My baby is 9 months old!

WOW! The time has really flown by. IT is amazing how much they grow in such a short amount of time. My neighbor just had a baby, and he is tiny! And Kylan is so big! That first year of a child's life is just truly amazing.
I am trying to get 9 month pics taken, but Ky scratched his nose the other day, so now we are waiting for it to heal.

Okay so here is the stats. At nine months, Kylan now weighs 21 lbs 4 oz, and is 29" long. That puts him in the 63% for weight (remember when he was over 90%!) and 76% for height. The doc says all is well with him.

So here is Ky's latest. He is amazingly fast. He will zip from one side of the room to the other in seconds. He is always looking for something to push, so he can walk across the room with it. The other day he discovered the laundry basket. He was able to push and walk with it across the room. He was having so much fun and then it stopped and he fell in it! It was hilarious to me. Ky, however, did not find it funny at all.

Ky has not been talking very much in the last week either. I was told that this is natural when babies start to work on walking. I miss him saying b'nananana. Soon enough I am sure it will all come back though. But for now I am happy teaching him other things. He gives "five" now and does a much better job on patty cake. We are still working on clapping.
This week has been very warm, so we took Ky to the park and he played on the swings. He loves the swings. (I try to take him a couple times a month--at least this time I remembered the camera.) He laughs as the swing approaches you. I can't wait for it to be even warmer(and less muddy) so he can go down the slide. Soon enough--for now Bear is the only one that enjoys the slide (hmm...I should have taken a picture of that!)

So, I need to share how blessed we are. If you have kept up on the blogs, Rob and I have had a rough last few months. However, now I am blessed with the opportunity to substitute teach. I have already gone once and I look forward to more. My goal is to check out the schools Ky is going to attend--that and to start working on my "in" for when I go back--but that will be a while yet. My baby needs me at home.

Okay so more blesssings--I joined the East Side Madison Mom's Club (Stay at home moms) a few months back and have really been enjoying getting to know other moms and learning how to be a better one. I have really needed to make some friends during the day, and this has really worked out well for me. Today I needed someone to watch Kylan for an hour and one of the mothers was more than happy to help out! Thanks Lesley! I owe you one! IT is great to know that I have others to rely on. Did I mention she has the most beautiful little girl? Ky thinks she has great hair.

So blessed again, I just was offered a job at the local YMCA in the child watch area. I can work just a few hours a week, bring in a little extra money, and have Kylan right there with me (can we say social time!). Not to mention I get a free membership and now I can take classes with KY (like swim lessons) at a great discount.

Okay one blessing in disguise--I found out the local salvation army is closing. I am bummed! I get a lot of Ky's clothes there. They have great prices (ex. black snow pants in perfect shape --50 cents, two piece osh kosh sweatsuit-- practically new $1.00). I am really bummed they are closing. It was sad, the workers were crying. I go there once a week and have really gotten to know some of them so I was sad too. However, that meant big BIG closeout sale. So I got a lot of clothes for Ky for very cheap. Yeah, Ky doesn't have to go naked.
So this past weekend, Ky spent some time with his Great grandparents and great aunts and uncle. He had a pretty good time, but ended up being shy. He is really starting to deal with separation anxiety, which is common for his age. Aunt Linda was pretty persistant and was able to calm him down and hold him--and when he got dehydrated from all the tears Great Grandma got to hold him (it helped that she had a bottle full of yummy water!)
This week will be exciting for him. March Madness begins..and this weekend is Nana's birthday, but all that we will save for the next blog entry.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

How 'bout some chicken? or pig?

I think this entry is more about me than Kylan. If you can't follow stream of thought--this blog entry is going to be very hard for you to read---(That's why there is the picture portion!)

We have just had a stream of bad luck when it comes to cars. So last month there was the incident with my car. The one I said I would explain later...WEll that incident was $1500 in repairs. Argh....And I will do a quick explanation--Rob did an oil change in the garage. WEll, he decided to back my car up and get it off the ramps. He had the car door open, and let the car slide off the ramps. Well--instead of pressing the brake to stop the car, he pressed in the clutch (he is not used to stick-shifts), so the car continued to roll, the car door hit the garage door and well hyper-extended the door and broke some of the front panel as well as the door panel...OOPS!!! So this is Rob's oops....here is mine...

....last week Rob and I were leaving....Rob's mom was watching Kylan...and well I was multitasking..I was rolling up my window--which I am having issues with because I don't think it was repaired properly from the incident last month--where was I...Oh yeah, I was rolling up my window, talking to Rob, backing out of the garage and searching for the garage door opener..when --I hit Rob's mom's car. Yes I did. I hit my mother-in-law's car. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!!. I had no idea she was parked in the driveway--I didn't even look.

Now you are thinking--what a nimrod! Why didn't you look! WEll--if you were ever at our last house, when people came to visit, they had to park on the side--out of the way of the garage & driveway. In our new house, you have to park in our driveway. I am not used to having people in my driveway, and well I was just doing too many things at once--and too my credit it was dark out and Mom has a dark blue car--it was camouflaged. Mom--if you are reading this blog entry--once again "I AM SOOOOO SORRY!!!" I really wish I had hit my own mother's car. --not that i would want to hit her car--but if I had the choice I would rather damage my own mother's car than my mother-in-law's car--afterall she is more used to me damaging things of hers--not that I do that often--but I do recall breaking some things very special to her and she took it pretty well...It's that unconditional love thing....

By the way did I mention that this is the third time that Rob's mom's car has been hit in the last 11 months?....I just have to keep reminding her, I gave birth to her only grandchild--you must love me and forgive me...Actually, considering everything that has happened, she has been very cool about it. Thanks mom! I owe you one!

Okay enough rambling. So I was driving slow. My car is fine--just a little blue paint on the bumper. mom's car is scratched and has a dent by the door. Which unfortunately is why it is going to be a bit of money to repair--$850 to repair. ARGH!!! So much for saving money and following the ?BUDGET?.

AHHH!....and then if that wasn't bad enough....i got pulled over the other day. So i am driving, thinking about our budget. How can I make up for the extra expenses that we have had this year....So here i am sitting at a light, and this cop car pulls up behind me with it's lights on....so of course I am like--well I best pull over, I don't want to be in the way of whomever they are after--naughty people!....AND OF COURSE..the cop car follows me. Now I have no idea what is going on. I pull out my driver's license and I am thinking to myself--I must have a broken tail light or something...and you know how the cop sits in the car FOREVER before they even get out....Well I start praying...First I prayed that I didn't do anything wrong--and then I think--well--that's silly--if I did something wrong, it already happened and was witnessed, I need a more logical prayer. So then I start praying for a male cop. "Lord, if I did do something wrong, please let it be a male cop so I can cry my way out of it."

So out steps the cop--and it's a girl! ARGH! Strike two. So she is slowly sauntering up to my car when I realize I am wearing my red bandana. THE SAME RED BANDANA I was wearing last time I was pulled over by a female cop (why are they always girls!) and I got a ticket. OF ALL THINGS...STRIKE THREE!! I know I am dead, yet I still have no idea why I was pulled over. The lady asks me for my license and I hand it to her and she starts walking off. So now I am really confused. She stops halfway back to her car and comes back to me and says "you know why you were pulled over" And of course I am clueless--and yet at the same time this is always what they say to you when you get busted for speeding! SPEEDING!!! --yeah that quickly flashed in my head. But of course I have to play the game. "No Officer (they like it when you say officer--don't however slip and say ociffer though---cause that leads to a breathalizer---not that I have ever done that before), I have no idea--what did I do?" She then answers my question with a question (why do all cops do this?) "Do you know what the speed limit is here?" This is when it occurs to me that --YES of course I know the speed limit--but wait I just moved BACK to Madison--my license still has the Milwaukee address--SCORE---point for me!

"No officer (point 3--they like the respect), I am so sorry---I just moved here and I didn't see the speed limit." She then asks me for my new address--which I made sure to stumble on---If I rattle it off too fast she might think I have been here for a while. She then informs me that I was driving 13 over--and she walked back to her car.....

By the way during this time, I watched three other cars get pulled over. I guess there was a speed trap that I and the other sorry suckers had not seen...

Okay, back to praying...."Lord, please let her have pity on me! I wasn't paying attention! I promise to do better!" And then the whole budget comes back to me. What am I going to say to Rob---oh dear, insurance rates....Argh! Yes I did a lot of praying! Oh my goodness she took forever in her car. When she finally came back though, she gave me a verbal warning! SCORE! She said her printer in her car wasn't working so she couldn't print out anything--which makes me wonder--Was this God? If her printer had been working, I am sure she would have given me a ticket. So I choose to believe that God saw me and took pity....Thank you Lord. I will do better to respect the speed limit. AMEN...

So now...here is Kylan's entry.

Kylan has top teeth! YEAH!! they just poked through. We are up to 4 teeth! What a big boy!

He now cruises completely around the living room. He actually uses the wall and will just lean against it. This has opened up a new can of worms, since our entertainment center is open. I haven't figured out how to keep him out of it, except to watch him. One of the pics above shows him standing next to his bookshelf after he has pulled about 20 books off of it. Another picture shows him crawling up a step that we have between the family room and the kitchen. Oh yeah--and there is a picture of him in his crib, after we lowered the mattress. Ky was crying the other night and Dad went in to check on him. He was standing up and crying at the door waiting for one of us to come in. We decided it was probably a good time to lower the mattress.

The blizzard of 2007 was fun. We cancelled our plans for the weekend--to see the grandparents--and stayed bundled inside. We received about 20" of snow in just two days. Sunday was fun. It was 32 degrees. We took Kylan outside and built snowmen. We also built him a chair with an ottoman that he liked. Ky loves the snow. He likes to eat it. He tries to catch the snowflakes in his mouth. You can also see how they tickle his face, because he squints his eyes and smiles.

Oh yeah--so the manager from Ella's Deli called (see blog entry below)--turned out to be the same guy I spoke to at the restaurant. He assured me that since the incident they have ordered more glasses. He then also said he wanted to make it up to me and sent me $30 in gift certificates. I am in no rush to go back there (Better make sure they get the glasses they ordered first!), but that was the gesture I was looking for--my meal to be comped. Sorry Kel--that we didn't get you comped--but next time you come we will make it up to you.
That's all for this week.