Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What do cows and Kylan have in common?

They both like to eat grass!
It was so wonderfully warm, that Ky got to wear shorts and go outside and play--and he insisted on eating the grass. He would pick it and then try to put it in his mouth. While I would be emptying his hand of the grass, he would then pick it with his other hand and try to eat it. (This made picture taking very hard!) Eventually he threw a tantrum and got mad at me. I guess I am just not connected with my inner cow.
By the way, the top pic is my little boy giving me a kiss. He is the best little kisser. He will put both hands on your face and then open his mouth and drool all over your cheek. He is going to get all the little ladies with those smooches.
So Nana's B'day was last week. We had a very nice afternoon with her. Ky showed her how he was pushing his little FP toy around. He also had some very in-depth conversations with her. He is so funny when he talks to you. He will point at things and wave a hand in the air. He has some really important things to say--I just wish I knew what it was. Lately his favorite word has been "bum." You can say "Ky, what do you want to eat." He will reply "Bum." I am not sure where he picked it up from, but everything is "BUM". I never knew that Bum had so many meanings.
G'pa came over to watch some b'ball games with Ky and Rob. Ky had fun showing grandpa that he could walk. He also carefully inspected grandpa's teeth for cavities. His conclusion to G'pa's dental hygiene---what else--"Bum." So profound. My boy is a genius.
I had my first shift at the Y this week. It went pretty well. I was holding a six month baby and feeding him his bottle. Ky was jealous. So then I ended up with two babies in my lap. Ky was a bit clingy. I don't know if it was because of the new place, or because my attention was on other children--not just him. He is just going to have to learn to share mom a couple of times a week. Of course he knows that he will always be my number one bum!

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