Thursday, March 22, 2007

My baby is WALKING!!!!

Yes he is! Not even 9 1/2 months! This kid astonishes me. 13! That is the most steps he has taken without falling. WOW! When he is walking, he is always sticking his tongue out too! Silly boy! Wow I am not sure I have much more to write than to say he is walking...
okay, well maybe a little more. So about a week or so ago I noticed that Ky was starting to let go of things and taking one or two steps before grabbing onto anything. So I started encouraging him to let go and to walk to me a few steps away. That started it--and now he is loving it. He walks kind of like a penguin. It is funny. I don't think he understands the whole bending of the knees concept. It will come soon. Short blog entry today---Just had to let everyone know that my baby is WALKING!!!

Stay tuned for Nana's b'day and a visit with G'pa

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