Monday, March 12, 2007

9 Months!

My Gosh! My baby is 9 months old!

WOW! The time has really flown by. IT is amazing how much they grow in such a short amount of time. My neighbor just had a baby, and he is tiny! And Kylan is so big! That first year of a child's life is just truly amazing.
I am trying to get 9 month pics taken, but Ky scratched his nose the other day, so now we are waiting for it to heal.

Okay so here is the stats. At nine months, Kylan now weighs 21 lbs 4 oz, and is 29" long. That puts him in the 63% for weight (remember when he was over 90%!) and 76% for height. The doc says all is well with him.

So here is Ky's latest. He is amazingly fast. He will zip from one side of the room to the other in seconds. He is always looking for something to push, so he can walk across the room with it. The other day he discovered the laundry basket. He was able to push and walk with it across the room. He was having so much fun and then it stopped and he fell in it! It was hilarious to me. Ky, however, did not find it funny at all.

Ky has not been talking very much in the last week either. I was told that this is natural when babies start to work on walking. I miss him saying b'nananana. Soon enough I am sure it will all come back though. But for now I am happy teaching him other things. He gives "five" now and does a much better job on patty cake. We are still working on clapping.
This week has been very warm, so we took Ky to the park and he played on the swings. He loves the swings. (I try to take him a couple times a month--at least this time I remembered the camera.) He laughs as the swing approaches you. I can't wait for it to be even warmer(and less muddy) so he can go down the slide. Soon enough--for now Bear is the only one that enjoys the slide (hmm...I should have taken a picture of that!)

So, I need to share how blessed we are. If you have kept up on the blogs, Rob and I have had a rough last few months. However, now I am blessed with the opportunity to substitute teach. I have already gone once and I look forward to more. My goal is to check out the schools Ky is going to attend--that and to start working on my "in" for when I go back--but that will be a while yet. My baby needs me at home.

Okay so more blesssings--I joined the East Side Madison Mom's Club (Stay at home moms) a few months back and have really been enjoying getting to know other moms and learning how to be a better one. I have really needed to make some friends during the day, and this has really worked out well for me. Today I needed someone to watch Kylan for an hour and one of the mothers was more than happy to help out! Thanks Lesley! I owe you one! IT is great to know that I have others to rely on. Did I mention she has the most beautiful little girl? Ky thinks she has great hair.

So blessed again, I just was offered a job at the local YMCA in the child watch area. I can work just a few hours a week, bring in a little extra money, and have Kylan right there with me (can we say social time!). Not to mention I get a free membership and now I can take classes with KY (like swim lessons) at a great discount.

Okay one blessing in disguise--I found out the local salvation army is closing. I am bummed! I get a lot of Ky's clothes there. They have great prices (ex. black snow pants in perfect shape --50 cents, two piece osh kosh sweatsuit-- practically new $1.00). I am really bummed they are closing. It was sad, the workers were crying. I go there once a week and have really gotten to know some of them so I was sad too. However, that meant big BIG closeout sale. So I got a lot of clothes for Ky for very cheap. Yeah, Ky doesn't have to go naked.
So this past weekend, Ky spent some time with his Great grandparents and great aunts and uncle. He had a pretty good time, but ended up being shy. He is really starting to deal with separation anxiety, which is common for his age. Aunt Linda was pretty persistant and was able to calm him down and hold him--and when he got dehydrated from all the tears Great Grandma got to hold him (it helped that she had a bottle full of yummy water!)
This week will be exciting for him. March Madness begins..and this weekend is Nana's birthday, but all that we will save for the next blog entry.

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