Wednesday, February 17, 2010

LuLu Responds!

Amazingly, 2 days after I sent that email and posted to my blog as well as some things on Facebook, Lulu contacted me.

They apologized for sending me incorrect calendars and told me they were sending me corrected ones immediately.  Days later (after the email), I received the calendars for the correct year. 

First of all I would like to thank for responding and correcting the error quickly.  At the same time, I am still annoyed that I had to wait so long for them to respond.  Why does the "angry" customer finally get the company's attention?  And only after posting negative reviews about them on 3 different sites? 

I just wanted to update my blog and let people know that I was given a response from the company and they corrected their error.  If you choose to use in the future, I would do so with caution.

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