Friday, February 19, 2010

Using the blog for good...

I received an email the today from a local radio station Z104 Madison/ 97.3 BREW CREW Milwaukee.  They invited me to enter their contest "DITCH MY DUD".  You simply write a 100 word essay on why you have the worst spouse. They will then "air" the top letters. The one with the highest vote gets their divorce paid for. Here is a link to their contest:

I am pretty appalled.  Thus, I am asking anyone in the Madison/Milwaukee area who wants to keep families together to write to the radio station.   I attached my letter to them below and here are some email addresses if you would also like to send a letter.

email addresses:,,,,,


I would like to start this email by saying I have neversent an email like this before. This is my first. I am a teacher, a parent, and a wife and was shocked to find an email in my inbox offering to PAY for me to ditch my husband. Not only that, asking me to write a letter against him which can be shared with the rest of your listening audience. I understand your desire to promote your radio station, but this contest is going too far. 
I am a teacher. I have worked with hundreds of students from torn apart families every day. These
students listen to your radio station. How great do you think it would be for them to hear their mom's letter on the radio saying nothing but TERRIBLE things about their Dad? And even if they didn't hear it on the radio--you know these kids will HEAR it later from word of mouth, podcasts, etc...

Instead of having a contest to tear apart families and marriages, why don't you have a contest to put families back together. What kind of "INVESTMENT" do you think you are making to America's future by offering to pay for a family to be torn apart--not to mention have many other families get trashed on the air.

How about a contest to see what families are willing to do to STAY together--to MAKE things work? How about offering counseling or get away time to some of these stressed and overworked husbands and wives who have just lost each other in the busyness of life. This is the type of investment you should consider making for these couples and more importantly the children of these couples--HOPE that it can be worked out.
I would really love to see you guys take on the challenge and respond to this email. I know you most likely
won't, but please just take a few minutes to think about it. Let's rebuild families NOT tear them apart.

Jessica Schnake

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