Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baby Blessings--another sneak peak

For those who wanted a follow-up, we had our ultrasound last week.  We are happy to report that the doctor is pretty sure that baby Schnake #3 is just fine.  The doctor took a further look at the echo seen on the heart and verified that it was an area of rapid muscle growth.  She said this is very common throughout people's lifetimes and is often seen on ultrasounds of babies--because that is when pictures of the heart are taken. 

It was wonderful seeing our little one again.  The baby was suckling--and even the doctor was in awe of how young our little had already started this.  The baby also yawned and sucked his/her fingers.  The picture above is a 4D picture--the first one we have ever had--and how cool is it to get a sneak peak of your little one in utero. 

I personally thought the baby looked like any other baby and then a friend mentioned how much he/she looked like Ky & Alaina.  So that started me thinking...and I put pics of Alaina & Ky next to the ultrasound and sure enough--that is definitely the same nose! :)  (Just a little smooshed as it's lying against the uterine wall...)

The doc & nurse also verified that yes the baby is indeed a ____.  I was pretty sure the first time I saw the gender--and yup--nothing has changed.  It is kind of reassuring to know we don't need any back-up other gender names and clothing items.  Speaking of which..I am working on gathering what I need.  I also recently started watching a friend's twin baby girls (6 months old!), so I started pulling out all the gear.  I am glad I did too!  It gives the kids time to get used to having the stuff around--and with the girls around, I am also working on showing Alaina how to be gentle with babies.  WOW!  Twins are a lot of work--but DOUBLE the blessing--the smiles, the coos...oh they are too cute!  They just melt your heart!

Anyway back to the pregnancy. So the ultrasound was all good--however the baby's abdomen did measure a little small.  The doc said our little one is thin and they want to keep an eye on it.  So we will be returning for another ultrasound in a month.  As long as the baby grows on a curve they will not worry.  But like I said it is just something to keep an eye on...

Speaking of which...I hardly EVER wake up in the middle of the night hungry.  I just don't have the cravings and such with this one that I did with Ky and Alaina.  Sweets are definitely what I long for, but I don't feel super hungry or anything (kind of disappointing).  Perhaps that is why the baby is thin, however, my weight gain is still unexplained then...hmmm....

Rob and I continue to play tag with this one and enjoy the kicks and turns.  Speaking of which, if I ever want the baby to move, all I need to do is eat chocolate or ice cream--And I am serious!  I can eat other food and the baby does nothing--but there is something with the sweets...

So here I am at week 30.  I see the doc tomorrow and will hopefully start discussing dates for delivery.  I am betting that no plans will be made though until the next ultrasound.  I am sure the baby's growth is vital in determining when they want to do it.  So there's my baby update!  Next blog will be for January!  And hey---maybe I will get it done before March!  HA!

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