Saturday, February 19, 2011

Christmas 2010

Yeah!  Last blog of 2010!  Let's begin...

So Nana stayed with us the night of the 23rd after the ultrasound and Grandma Jan joined us the next morning to celebrate Christmas Eve together.  The kids, of course, kept all of us busy by just being themselves.  They pulled out a lot of card games and read books and Alaina was on the "phone" a lot.

Rob made home made whipped cream for our traditional stuffed fruit french toast Christmas breakfast--and I had fun decorating Ky's face.  Hey--what else should you do with whipped cream! :)  We had a wonderful brunch!  (And it is all the more wonderful when it is a meal that you only have once a year on such a special day!) 

After brunch, Ky was getting very impatient to open the gifts (and what 4 year old wouldn't be?!)  We finally gave into him and let him have at it. Alaina of course followed suit and got into the spirit of things.  Nana & Grandma Jan got Kylan a very cool frog game, and the next hour or so was spent tossing and catching frogs.  (I snoozed briefly--hey I'm growing a child here!) 

It was a nice afternoon and we all had a nice time visiting and appreciating family and its blessings.  Nana & Grandma Jan left in the late afternoon and we all got ready for the Christmas Eve service.  We had put Alaina & Ky down for a late nap (they needed one) and by the time they got up we had 2 crabby kids.  It was quite the ordeal getting them dressed and ready to go (as well as feed them some food.)  I attempted to then get some nice pics of the kids in front of the tree before we left--they actually did better than usual!

The next morning we woke up to Ky working hard on his Cars picture.  I find this picture rather ironic since I have  a picture taken of me when I was 4 on Christmas morning.  I had woken up, got myself dressed and was coloring at the dining room table and that is where my parents found if I can just find that picture. 

While breakfast was heating the kids were excited to open there presents, so we let them start a few.  This year Ky was quite the excited boy.  He was so excited that he had trouble containing himself.  He wanted to open even Alaina's presents, but of course she was NOT about to let that happen.  All in all it was a fun time.  Ky received several CARS toys including a bunch of games from Uncle Adam & Aunt Liz and a book with mini CARS figures from Grandma & Grandpa Vander Heyden--and I just have to add that Ky and Alaina spend a lot of time fighting over Sally....I have tried to find another Sally--but the stores I have been to have been sold out...Well--it's best they learn to share anyway! :)

Alaina got TONS of girly stuff.  Three tutus!  YES 3!  And she loves them all.  She loves to dress up so Rob and I got her various dress-up items.  She received these adorable butterfly wings with skirt & wand from Grandma & Grandpa Vander Heyden as well as a "Mr. Potato Head" Elmo, and lots of dressup shoes.  The girl is set!   When she opened her butterfly towel from U. Adam & A. Liz she spent a lot of time dancing around the house in it saying "I'm a butterfly!" 

Both kids also received personalized ornaments from A. Janice & A. Linda & A. Liz & U. Adam.  Alaina attempted to "eat" the icecream cone ornament from U. Adam & A. Liz.

As far as gifts for Rob and myself--we try to minimize that.  Dates or big other purchases are what we consider gifts for each other.  We both exchanged slippers and another small item.  Rob's big gift will be a new tv in the next several months--and my gift was our beautiful wood floors.  Otherwise just having each other and time together is gift enough!

After our own little family Christmas, we headed out to Rob's Dad's house to celebrate.  It was a very nice relaxing evening.  The kids had a great time playing with their cousin Dominic and then opening presents.  Alaina's favorite gift, by far, was the princess car she received.  Even today she takes that vehicle for spins around the house.  *very cute* 

For New Years Eve we had good friends over for dinner.  Celebrations are limited when you have small kids, but we made the most of it.  I even managed to stay up until midnight this year :)  2010 was definitely a good year--and I know 2011 will only be better as Rob & I continue to watch our kids grow and we meet our new little one.  We are truly blessed with all he has given us.  As far as New Year's resolutions--we don't really do that--however we do have a goal to GIVE MORE every year--and we will continue with that.     

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