Monday, February 07, 2011

A Christmas Ultrasound...our little bundle of joy

December 23rd was supposed to be a wonderful day--and in the end it was--but it didn't start out well.  We were on our way to ring bells and that was when I realized I had lost my camera.  I ended up dropping Ky & Rob off to ring bells and Alaina and I retraced our steps from the day before and asked our gym if anyone had found our camera.  I was in tears.  How forgetful of me!?  And it isn't like I haven't done this I have driven off with the phone on the car (we heard it fall though and were able to retrieve it --and surprisingly it wasn't broken.)  And I have driven off with mail on the car...yeah, I am not sure if we found all of it.  It's just one of those things--the kids are out playing and there aren't a lot of safe places to put these items.  So I put them on top of the car where the kids can't reach.  ARGH!  So yeah, I cried.  Rob was very understanding of it all--almost too understanding--I needed to be yelled at.  I loved that camera--not to mention it is how I blog.  ARGH!  Yeah--here it is Feb and I still have yet to take the time looking for a camera.  I will soon enough--before the new baby comes.  And speaking of which...

So after bell ringing we ran home and picked up Rob's mom.  We invited her to come and see the ultrasound and help watch the kids during it...and we doubled that up with celebrating the Christmas the next day with her. 

This ultrasound was a BIG ordeal...First of all, since I was "late" scheduling all my appointments, this ultrasound was being done late.  When I originally called to schedule it, they would not schedule it because the referral had not been received.  I called back and forth between the two clinics AT LEAST 6 TIMES before they sent the referral.  (The clinic would say they sent it, radiology said they did not receive, yadda yadda.)  So I finally had it scheduled and then was called because they wanted to reschedule.  When I called them back they told me it was fine and they didn't need to reschedule me after all.  When we got there, they were not expecting me (of course.)  They said they had called me to reschedule--and of course I informed them that I had called back and they told me I was fine and didn't need to be rescheduled.  ARGH!  (Okay raging hormones and bad morning and you add this...I was VERY angry!)  Not to mention if they rescheduled, I would be "later" than the time frame they had wanted this ultrasound AND Rob's mom had driven out for this.

I think they sensed my anger and frustration so they did accommodate.  One of the techs stayed over her lunch to do our ultrasound--and she did a nice job.  She was very thorough and took a long time.  The baby wasn't the most active, but moved enough to entertain.  It is so neat watching your child yawn and move hands and feet (and yet feel nothing!)  It is funny because I normally think the baby is only awake when I feel him/her--which you then discover is not true.  The baby measured pretty much right on for everything.  Ky, Alaina, and Nana got to come in at the end of the appointment and watch as well.  I think Ky got it and understood what was going on.  Alaina was clueless.  (Who wants to watch black & white fuzz?!)  We had the tech write the gender on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope, however I was pretty positive that I saw what gender the baby was in the ultrasound...

When we got home, Rob and I went out for a short "date".  We went to one of our favorite coffee houses (no, I don't drink coffee--but they have good chai's and good hot cocoa).  I told Rob to open the envelope there.  (It was his turn--I opened Alaina's.)  Well-I was correct in what I saw (I should become a sonogram tech!)  because we are having....a boy or girl!  (You didn't think I was really going to tell you did you?)  HA HA!
It would have been nice to keep this pregnancy an ultimate surprise, but I have WAY too much clothing in the basement and I want to start getting rid of the gender clothing we are not having.  I won't be getting rid of it until the baby arrives (just to make sure--since they do occasionally make mistakes.)  But I have already done a big sort and put things aside.  (5 years of boys clothes and 3 years of girls clothes is a LOT of stuff!   Not to mention, I have some bins for Ky & Alaina in bigger sized clothing AND think about how they go through 4 different sizes of clothing in the FIRST year alone! CRAZY--yeah I need some space in my basement.)  And--I wanted to know what I needed to get...If the baby is a boy--we are pretty on-season with Ky's old clothes--however if we have a girl--we are TOTALLY off-season for the first 2 years...since Alaina was a fall baby and this one is spring. 

So pregnancy thus far (it's Feb as I write this.)  I would say this has been the easiest of all my pregnancies as far as sickness and continuing on with day to day life.  If you have talked to me recently, you know that I have had one small thing that the doc mentioned at my last appointment.  It should be nothing--but still as a mom it has me worried.  Basically, they saw something on the ultrasound.  If it is actually there--it is probably no big deal.  Many go away, many babies are born with one and are perfectly fine.  However there is this teeny tiny chance that it could be something.  (And I mean like 0.5% that is how small.)  Since all my other ultrasounds have gone fine and have never had this revealed, it is a stresser.  I honestly wish they had never told me--because it is not worth the stress it has put me through, and no matter what, we would keep the baby so why even mention it.  Even the doc said it is most likely nothing.  However, Rob and I have scheduled a follow-up ultrasound for next week.  We are meeting with a specialist.  Hopefully what they saw is gone!  (And there is also a good chance that the ultrasound machine produced what they saw.)  And if not, at least we will be talking to a specialist who will most likely be able to say yea or nea to any concerns we have.  Please keep us in our prayers for that appointment and for peace in my heart. 

On top of that, I took the diabetes test this past week.  With Alaina's pregnancy I was borderline so I had to come back in for the 3 hour fasting test--and let me tell you it was quite a miserable fasting--and I had Ky with me at the clinic the whole time.  This time I had a plan.  I went in first thing in the morning and I ate NOTHING!  This way I either pass or fail. I did this test on Friday morning and my blood draw was done around 10 AM.  Well you know, no news is good that was what I had hoped for.

The next day I took Ky to the movie "Despicable Me".  The movie was starting late so I looked at my cell phone to see the time and noticed I had a voice message from Friday.  (Always try to reach me on the landline--I am HORRIBLE about checking my cellphone!)  Turns out the clinic had called me within 4 hours of my blood draw and said I needed to call them back ASAP.  Yeah--that pretty much ruined the day for me.  I was panicked--why would the call me back so quick.  I was praying that I was not diabetic.  I also had a thought that it could be my iron count--which I ALWAYS struggle with.  But mostly I was praying it was not diabetes.--ugh....You know I shouldn't have to worry about diabetes, but I think my mom had gestational diabetes with all of us kids and was undiagnosed.  How else did such a tiny woman have 2 10 lb babies and 2 9 lb babies. 

Well, it is Monday now, and I called.  It is all good.  My iron is VERY low.  They told me that I HAVE to get it up.  There would be concern for me and blood loss at this time if I were to have the baby with my iron this low.  So that is good news (really--it is!).  However now I must turn to prune juice or something since the iron supplement AND the prenatal vitamin are not doing it for me.  I eat lots of greens--this has just always been something I have struggled with.  Let's hope I can get it up.

I am at week 28 today. The baby is very entertaining.  I watch him/her move my stomach around and kick various areas.  There is just something so special about having God's creation in you.  Each movement is within me, yet I have no control over it.  I am cherishing this pregnancy as I did the others and am trying hard not to let the past month of upsets get in my way.  I will enjoy this precious time God has given me. that is my baby blog update.  I look forward to sharing real pictures of our new little Schnake in the next couple of months. 

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