Friday, April 29, 2011

The newest Schnake has arrived! Video and Pics

I don't have a ton of time right now to write all about her arrival...but I will soon.  For this blog, I figured I would just get some pics and video up.  I will get her story up soon!

Daddy took this video just minutes after Talia Rose was born. You may notice the camera work isn't the greatest--but I think it just shows how Daddy was caught up in the moment. How precious!

This video is about 10 minutes after birth when I got to meet her.

About 2 hours after birth. I am "recovering" and Daddy is bonding with our new daughter.

Two days old and a bumped nose...

Rocking the baby...

And finally, these are pictures that the photographer at the hospital took. Very cute!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Baby Breaths...

Such an appropriate title in so many ways...

Last night, I was doing my routine "Sitting on the couch with Rob with my shirt pulled up so I could watch the baby move" when I noticed that the part of my stomach where the baby's back was--was moving up and down.  It was like he/she was breathing.  It really was quite eerie.  I showed Rob and then we started to work on trying to figure out what was going on.  I thought that maybe it was my heart rate--but no, my heart rate was different.  I tried moving the baby.  That would disrupt the movement, but a few minutes later it would start up again.  Rob was starting to think I should call the doctor or look it up online.  Three pregnancies and I had never seen anything like this...

So I looked it up online (I know you aren't supposed to self-diagnose--but I didn't think there was anything wrong or to concern a doctor with...)

Sure enough, there are other women out there, close to their due dates who have also noticed this weird rising and falling of their stomachs.  Talking to the doctor they discovered their baby practice breathing--something that you can rarely see outside of an ultrasound.  How neat that I got this "peek"!  My baby is getting ready and this is all just another step in the process that very few know about.  Each pregnancy with each of my children has been so precious and special--and God just continues to make each moment with this one just the same. 

So baby breaths?   Yeah--I have been frustrated that this one has not come yet.  I nested the last 2 weeks.  This week I gave up.  I have NO desire to nest.  I am tired of being up at night because I am uncomfortable or just can't sleep.  I am tired of these "episodes" that make me so sick that I can't function.  I am tired of running "last" errands and planning ahead wondering--will I be able to actually do that?  I am also tired of worrying about being so BORED in the hospital for the FOUR LONG days they will probably try to keep me.  But in the end, I just need to realize that these are just "baby breaths" preparing me for what is to come.  And once the baby comes--there is NO going back. 

So here I am at 4:30 in the morning--once again NOT sleeping--but at least appreciating these last few moments/days before my baby comes.  So for today, I will appreciate my time with him/her finishing up his/her time inside me and know that I won't get this time back.  These baby breaths are all just practice for what is to come.  And I can't wait for that glorious moment in such an appropriate season. 

Jesus gave us new life and soon I will meet the new life he has given us.  Happy Easter everyone!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Baby? Not yet....

Let's see...

I am currently 38 weeks and 2 days. I have a C-Section scheduled this Monday--April 25.

I have been getting asked about updates of where I am at--and yes I am behind on my blog. The last week and a half have been pretty rough. I keep going through these spells of cramps turned to nausea turned to contractions and then they teeter out. In fact--I am at the beginning of a new "episode" right now.

I have predicted from the beginning that this kid would come early (before my c-section time), but I give up. I really have no clue right now. It is funny that I have done so well all pregnancy--and now the last week and a half are just bizarre episodes that leave me wondering "is this it?"

In fact this past Saturday's episode was so convincing that Rob did all the dishes and laundry because he was convinced that the time had come. Hmmm...I guess there is a bright side to these "episodes."

As far as pregnancy updates, my last ultrasound was FABULOUS. The baby had gained weight and at 34 weeks they estimated the baby was 4 lbs 10 ounces and looked PERFECTLY healthy. The baby is also still pretty active and I can watch feet move around my stomach--however quarters are much more crammed. I don't think this baby will be as big as Alaina, but I estimate over 7 1/2 lbs.

Ironically--today--it is snowing. A low pressure system is moving in. This can cause women to go into labor (making their water break.) So we will have to see--but like I said, I have NO IDEA anymore. *I WISH I DID!* 

I have told Rob from the beginning, I REALLY don't want to be in the hospital over Easter--so if this baby comes early, PLEASE do so today or tomorrow, otherwise wait for the scheduled c-section. I really don't want to miss Easter with Ky & Alaina. Though, honestly if the baby does come--it would be the best Easter gift a girl could get.

I think that is really all I have.  I just wanted to do a quick update for those who are asking.  Please pray for a safe delivery of a healthy baby and a quick recovery AND of course I will update once he/she arrives.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A couple of videos....

This video is actually disappointing. I wish I had been quicker with the camera when she was really THROWING a tantrum about going potty...

We got Ky a new mattress for his bed...and I thought--why not move the old one downstairs and let the kids have some fun...

January 2011

With the beginning of a new month, we also began many new things.  Kylan began a karate class at the Y which he attended 2 times a week.  He did very well and really enjoyed the class.  However, we did not enjoy twice the commitment in such cold weather over dinnertime.  I also began a new schedule with NOT working at the Y and then using much of that time to help a good friend in need.  Rob began his LAST class for his MBA.  He is anxious to get it done and is ready to NOT be doing class work anymore.  And Alaina, well she began NOT going potty on the the potty anymore.  Yes--this was a VERY trying time.  We tried everything to get her back on track--we bribed with candy (I mean rewarded), toys, stickers, we ignored--unfortunately when she is ignoring too it doesn't make a difference, we washed her bottom off with cold water, we had her clean it up (and of course she can only do so much before she makes a mess worse!)  Of course all this was happening during the time we received the results of the initial ultrasound.  I was in really rough shape and not dealing well with the situation at all.  Poor Alaina--at least she is back on track now.

Alaina also received her first haircut.  I cut it myself.  I was so worried she was going to lose her baby curls.  And so far she hasn't.  I cut off about 3 inches.  She held really still (helps to have a video on).  I have to say it looks much better as one length!  Kylan also went ice skating for the first time.  He had a lot of fun with Dad and came back and informed me that he fell 26 times!  Ah...I wish I had been there to see...Alaina and I had a girl's day though and did some shopping.  She got a balloon from the mall and was so upset when she lost it.  Luckily I had just bought a treat and it helped to distract her from her loss.

Rob took MLK day off in January and we went for a walk in the Arboretum.  We thought it would be really fun.  Well it turned out to be pretty cold and very snowy.  The kids also got a bit tired of trekking in the snow.  I have to say the best part was watching Alaina fall and then use all her energy to awkwardly stand up with her many layers on.  Daddy helped her out though and carried her much of the remainder of the way.  After our walk we went to Red Robin and enjoyed a yummy meal--however Daddy missed much of it.  He took Alaina & Ky to the bathroom and then spent 20 minutes or so in there aiding Ky...Pottying with kids is always interesting--let me tell you.

When we left Red Robin, Ky's balloon blew away and that started a trail of tears.  I went in and got him another.  Wow!  It is amazing how the loss of a balloon can really turn your day upside down. 

So reminiscing on January and my big kids....

Ky is now a full-fledged reader.  He reads small chapter books, cereal boxes, signs--anything out there.  He is doing FABULOUS!  I am so proud of him.  We covered the 5 food groups in January for his "schooling".  That was a lot of fun and now he can identify what foods belong in what groups.  I was hoping to do a month of international studies in February--and I can tell you that that did not happen...perhaps later...He still LOVES Spanish though and we are really hoping to get him into our school's dual immersion program.  Last week I actually abandoned him at the story as he started babbling his Ky-Spanish to 2 Hispanic men.  It really is just plain embarrassing.

Alaina has become VERY independent and VERY girly.  She knows what she wants and asks for it.  She always wants to wear a princess (aka dress), and puts on heels and clops around the house.  She occasionally will carry a purse if we leave (yeah--seriously--you know she doesn't get this from me...).  She also likes to have input on how her hair is fixed and what barrettes are put in.  She also LOVES to dance--and will often ask for Daddy or I to dance with her.  She has also started making up her own songs.  Yes, I will get that on video soon.  It is VERY CUTE--especially when she is dancing too...With all this girlyness she can hang with the boys quite well--her climbing skills are awesome and she rarely cries.  You know that there is probably blood involved if she is crying. 

So enough about my cute kids---oh wait--that's the purpose of this blog!  HA!  Stay tuned for February...Yes I will try to be more timely...and don't expect much for pics, with my camera mishap we didn't get many pics taken, though I have made up for it in April.