Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Baby? Not yet....

Let's see...

I am currently 38 weeks and 2 days. I have a C-Section scheduled this Monday--April 25.

I have been getting asked about updates of where I am at--and yes I am behind on my blog. The last week and a half have been pretty rough. I keep going through these spells of cramps turned to nausea turned to contractions and then they teeter out. In fact--I am at the beginning of a new "episode" right now.

I have predicted from the beginning that this kid would come early (before my c-section time), but I give up. I really have no clue right now. It is funny that I have done so well all pregnancy--and now the last week and a half are just bizarre episodes that leave me wondering "is this it?"

In fact this past Saturday's episode was so convincing that Rob did all the dishes and laundry because he was convinced that the time had come. Hmmm...I guess there is a bright side to these "episodes."

As far as pregnancy updates, my last ultrasound was FABULOUS. The baby had gained weight and at 34 weeks they estimated the baby was 4 lbs 10 ounces and looked PERFECTLY healthy. The baby is also still pretty active and I can watch feet move around my stomach--however quarters are much more crammed. I don't think this baby will be as big as Alaina, but I estimate over 7 1/2 lbs.

Ironically--today--it is snowing. A low pressure system is moving in. This can cause women to go into labor (making their water break.) So we will have to see--but like I said, I have NO IDEA anymore. *I WISH I DID!* 

I have told Rob from the beginning, I REALLY don't want to be in the hospital over Easter--so if this baby comes early, PLEASE do so today or tomorrow, otherwise wait for the scheduled c-section. I really don't want to miss Easter with Ky & Alaina. Though, honestly if the baby does come--it would be the best Easter gift a girl could get.

I think that is really all I have.  I just wanted to do a quick update for those who are asking.  Please pray for a safe delivery of a healthy baby and a quick recovery AND of course I will update once he/she arrives.

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