Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Baby Breaths...

Such an appropriate title in so many ways...

Last night, I was doing my routine "Sitting on the couch with Rob with my shirt pulled up so I could watch the baby move" when I noticed that the part of my stomach where the baby's back was--was moving up and down.  It was like he/she was breathing.  It really was quite eerie.  I showed Rob and then we started to work on trying to figure out what was going on.  I thought that maybe it was my heart rate--but no, my heart rate was different.  I tried moving the baby.  That would disrupt the movement, but a few minutes later it would start up again.  Rob was starting to think I should call the doctor or look it up online.  Three pregnancies and I had never seen anything like this...

So I looked it up online (I know you aren't supposed to self-diagnose--but I didn't think there was anything wrong or to concern a doctor with...)

Sure enough, there are other women out there, close to their due dates who have also noticed this weird rising and falling of their stomachs.  Talking to the doctor they discovered their baby practice breathing--something that you can rarely see outside of an ultrasound.  How neat that I got this "peek"!  My baby is getting ready and this is all just another step in the process that very few know about.  Each pregnancy with each of my children has been so precious and special--and God just continues to make each moment with this one just the same. 

So baby breaths?   Yeah--I have been frustrated that this one has not come yet.  I nested the last 2 weeks.  This week I gave up.  I have NO desire to nest.  I am tired of being up at night because I am uncomfortable or just can't sleep.  I am tired of these "episodes" that make me so sick that I can't function.  I am tired of running "last" errands and planning ahead wondering--will I be able to actually do that?  I am also tired of worrying about being so BORED in the hospital for the FOUR LONG days they will probably try to keep me.  But in the end, I just need to realize that these are just "baby breaths" preparing me for what is to come.  And once the baby comes--there is NO going back. 

So here I am at 4:30 in the morning--once again NOT sleeping--but at least appreciating these last few moments/days before my baby comes.  So for today, I will appreciate my time with him/her finishing up his/her time inside me and know that I won't get this time back.  These baby breaths are all just practice for what is to come.  And I can't wait for that glorious moment in such an appropriate season. 

Jesus gave us new life and soon I will meet the new life he has given us.  Happy Easter everyone!

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