Wednesday, November 23, 2011

April 2011

 Big Belly at 36 weeks

 Grandpa & Princess Alaina for Daddy's b'day
 present for baby from Aunt Lisa
 Playing cars with Cousin Dominic
My boys
Writing a letter to Nana

 Here it is..."Nana, I am so thankful God for making Nana. Nana I love you.  From Kylan"

 Birthday Lunch for Daddy including Mickey Mouse pancakes for the kiddos!
 My little sheep princess with 2 purses...
 This is a face we see quite often with Alaina
A very happy daddy with his Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake
 Nana came to celebrate Daddy's b'day too!
Just another playdate...7 kids...38 weeks pregant...yeah I was crazy!
Newest members of the family--Maps, Shimber & Lava Girl

Very excited about the new family members
 Chucky Cheese!

 We introduced Alaina to Nutella...
Do you think she liked it? (notice the bread missing the Nutella).
Painting at the Children's Museum

Let's see---day before Thanksgiving and I am writing about April...Yes, I do find this amusing.  I will catch up--especially if Talia keeps giving me sleepless nights like these.  ARGH!  It has been one sickness after another since Ky has started school.  She was such a great sleeper and then with all the colds and such she turned into a lousy one.  Now I am at wits end and I think she is just going to have to start crying it out.  Sorry Love--but I believe it is best for the both of us.  And on the bright side maybe I can spend these sleepless nights catching up on my blog as well as some housework.

April came and went in a flash.  I suppose it had to do mostly with anticipation of our new little one as well as trying to stuff in all sorts of fun stuff with Alaina & Ky before Talia came.  I definitely had some mom-guilt going on.  I was thinking about the lack of attention they would get as well as how outings would most likely be fewer when the weather was finally getting nicer. 

Kylan seemed to understand the whole baby concept at this point, but I knew sweet Alaina had no idea of what a "new baby in mommy's tummy" would entail.  I think it seemed more like pretend to her. 

Rob's birthday was at the beginning of the month and we had a celebration at Pop's and Debi's.  Ky had a wonderful time playing with his cousin Dominic and Alaina ended up being the sad "third wheel" that wanted to play as well.  It's hard when your older brother and his friends don't want you to play (I remember those days...:) )  Luckily being the only granddaughter--she got more than enough attention from the adults.

Daddy's actual birthday fell on the Brewer's opening Day.  We took Rob out for lunch and enjoyed quite a treat at Monty's Blue Plate diner.  We had a waitress that took special care of the children.  She provided them with mickey mouse pancakes and chocolate milk that came with whipped cream and sprinkles.  You should have seen Alaina's eyes BUG out when she saw that chocolate milk.  What a day it was to be a kid!

At home I had made Rob a special peanut butter cheesecake.  He loved it.  Yeah--I think that recipe is a keeper! :)  Alaina loved it so much that you can see the "love" all over her face!  :)  Rob's mom & Jan also came and celebrated with us. 

In my last week of pregnancy, I was really feeling the mommy guilt with the kiddos.  We ended up having a play date with some friends at our house--and yes I, alone, watched 7 children.  It was a really good time though--and the kids were awesome and had lots of fun.  It was worth it just to hear the laughter and watch them play.  (I will definitely do it again!)  I also took the kids to the pet store and bought them goldfish.  We picked out 3 and Ky named his "Shimber".  Alaina named hers "Lava Girl".  And they shared "Maps".  (Ky let Alaina pick Maps name--which I was really impressed with.)  The kids were fascinated by these fish and were always begging to feed them.  In fact, occasionally I would catch them trying to put something inedible in the bowl just to see what they would do.  Poor fish.  In fact, the fish did not last more than a few months--with the first one passing away when I was in the hospital with Talia.  Ky was so upset about it, that he wanted Rob there to help send the fish to "fish heaven."  So into the freezer went Shimber...

I have since bought an aquarium stand and have painted it.  I plan to set it up at some point this winter for the kids.  I know they will love it!

We also managed to cram in a visit to Chuck E Cheese as well.  I really wanted to take the kids as a last hurrah.  Ky now understands that the faster he gets tokens the quicker he can play games.  I am a bit bummed about that--since we could make the tokens last faster before when he would wander and just play with things and occasionally put a token in.  However--we have still been able to hide the "ticket" redemption from him.  We have multiple ticket redemptions that we have saved.  We are hoping that the kids can use them when they get a big bigger to get something good--as opposed to a spider ring and a piece of candy....

And finally, I took the kids to the Children's Museum.  Yes--I was crazy...all in the last week of pregnancy.  I remember it was sleeting outside and I couldn't find a parking spot except on the roof of the parking garage--where it was sleeting..Yeah!  I was pretty upset.  I had to then carry Alaina down 6 flights of slipper sleety stairs.  Yeah--that was no fun.  We got the kids there though, and they had a blast.  I remember sitting a lot as I watched them play.  I was trying to treasure this time with them and at the same time treasure my remaining time being pregnant.  It was all very bittersweet. 

Bummer to me for not remembering more for this blog--but I have a feeling we are going to have more sleepless nights ahead and hopefully I can catch up.  Right now I am in a new "season" of life where I know that keeping up with this blog like I did before is just going to be hard.  But eventually there will be a new season and I will get back at it like I did before.  Right now, all I can do is treasure the time I have now with being with the kids and watching them grow.  This time is too precious for me to miss. 

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