Friday, November 25, 2011

March & April videos and tid bits

Here are a few fun videos and a few fun stories with the kids from March & April.

I discovered that a child had colored on the window today, as well as two chairs, the hutch, the grandfather clock, closet door, and about 6 walls. When I asked Ky about it, he immediately told me that Alaina did it and showed me the "hidden" crayon that it had been done with. He also showed me "ALL" the spots Alaina had colored. Including the ones that were 2 feet over her head and I hadn't noticed before...I thought his knowledge of the incident was very interesting (and indicting...)

During the day, I gave him many opportunities to come forward and tell the truth. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. We then let Ky pick Alaina's punishment--which included 1.) go to bed early 2.) no videos for 2 weeks 3.) no coloring 4.) cleaning the walls, and my personal favorite 5.) putting her outside. After that we confronted him and told him we knew he had done it.  We then gave him the punishments he chose (all except 5--that is.)  Still-I think this incident is one for the baby book.
Four out of five days that I have put Alaina down for a nap she has *magically* woken up wearing a different outfit--and ALWAYS a dress. Seriously....whose child is this???
Lesson 5,873 of parenting: Don't let your son take out the recycling when his art projects and such are crumpled up and hidden in the bottom of it. Yeah--that didn't go so well.  "Oh - Kylan--that was in the trash too?!  Oh my goodness!"

On March 17th we had our last ultrasound with Talia.  We were told that she was ‎4 lbs 10 oz and was a "Perfectly Healthy baby" (Doc's words). Praise God! No more ultrasounds--next time we see this little one, it will be in person! Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

April 1st, 2011
Right about now, my poor innocent husband is wandering the VERY large work parking ramp looking for his car. He's confused, he swore he parked it on the outside of level 1 and's not he losing his mind? Is old age getting to him??? HA HA HA! Jessica "April Fool's LADY" is back! It took a few years--but yeah--watch out world, I am BACK!
--this was definitely one of the best April fools jokes I had pulled in a while.  I switched vehicles with him at work--and parked the van nearby, but not where he had parked.  It took him a little while to figure out what had happened.  I then left his b'day present on the front seat with a big "April Fool's" sign.

I abandoned my son today and pretended he wasn't mine when he started speaking "Spanish" to 2 hispanic men in the store today. *Please* Madison Schools! Let him into the dual immersion program! This is just getting TOO EMBARRASSING! (And now you know he did and is doing FABULOUS!)

Ky- "Mom, can I have a breakfast cookie for breakfast since it has "breakfast" in it?" Me-"Sure Ky, Would you like to eat some Feet too, since Feet has an "EAT" in it?" Ky--"No Mom, FEET has an E-E-T not an E-A-T!" Since when did my boy get so smart!

Alaina has to be one of the messiest eaters ever.  Often it is because her food comes "alive".  She has such a vivid imagination for a 2 1/2 year old.  Check it out.

Alaina LOVES dresses.  She calls them "princesses".  Here is Alaina checking out her Easter princess.

(Notice her excitement to go show Daddy at the end.)

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