Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Easter 2011- the weekend before Talia!

Mops Easter Party
Making a chocolate birds nest filled with eggs
Goofy Ky!
For story time, Ky asked Alaina to sit on his lap.
Our Easter egg hunt was on Saturday
Mission: Find those eggs!
Mission:  Eat candy in eggs!
What!?  No more candy!!!
Snuggle time....
princess on the potty (seriously, this was too cute not to post...though Alaina might not be too happy about this later.)
Easter pics
pretty princess
smile kiddos!
Well done!

Sharing candy with Grandpa

The kids had plenty of Easter celebration.  On Thursday, I took them to the MOPs Easter party where they got to do crafts and eat lots of yummy stuff.  They also had a story time and played games.  Ky was much too interested in playing basketball to do the crafts--but when he discovered chocolate was involved with one of them, he was ready to go.  Alaina worked her way slowly through the crafts and had a good time.  She painted eggs and made a lamb.  Story time was especially cute because Kylan invited Alaina to sit on his lap.  Alaina was more than happy to oblige---unfortunately for both of them, I don't think they took in account Alaina's size.  She didn't fit so well and so the moment was short lived (thankfully, I caught it on camera! :) )

Playgroup was after this party and the kids went bowling.  Ky used to be very entertained by bowling, but this last time he seemed less interested and Alaina bowled a few frames for him. I think the video game room was calling his name--kind of depressing for a mom who tries to keep her children away from these things---particularly these ones that had rifles and guns and such (not very appropriate for a lad his age.)

On Saturday, Rob and I hid the eggs in the yard and let the kids hunt them out.  We assigned them each a color of egg to find (that way Alaina's were easier to find).  All seemed to go well--except for the fact that I still (in December) cannot find one of Ky's eggs.  I really think a squirrel took off with it.  How do they just disappear like that?  Anyway, we let the kids open up the eggs and put their goods in a bowl after that.  Alaina then wanted to eat all of her candy and was quite upset when we cut her off.  Thankfully a good Daddy snuggle helped to calm her down. 

On Sunday we went to early church and then ate breakfast with friends.  I was touched by the special prayer Pastor Jeff said for us as we left church.  From there we left to Milwaukee for an early Easter dinner.  The plan was to eat earlier and then drop the kids off with Nana while Rob and I returned home for Talia's arrival the next day.  Easter dinner was nice at Pop's and Debi's.  It was laid back.  I believe everyone was excited for the new baby's arrival.  It also seemed all too short.  Time was just flying by.  Alaina loved getting goodies from Grandma Debi & Grandpa.  I believe she also got a new purse--and this girl + purses = HAPPY! 

After dropping the kids off to Nana's, Rob and I realized the time was much later than we had planned.  We had been hoping to have a nice dinner together--but instead had to go for a quick stop.  So we went to one of our all-time favorites--Copp's.  I had a yummy burger, onion rings, and ice cream...and yes I ate it all.  (Hey--I know all about the starvation factor that was coming the next day.)  I was going to be cut off at 10 pm from eating--so I had to put it all I could!  We went home and then began packing and preparing to be gone for several days (having all the kids stuff and meals out for Nana).  At some point, I believe I told Rob that we just needed to stop and actually relax.  It was our last night before the newbie and we needed to take advantage of it.  And that is what we did.  We started watching "Avatar".  I had only planned to watch part of it--but 3 hours later the movie ended and well--we still had to finish packing and get to bed.  EGADS!  Yeah--it didn't end up being so relaxing when we tried pulling our tired selves out of bed the next morning.  (Hard to sleep well when you realize your whole life will change the next day.)  But so it went.  And you can then read Talia's arrival blog to continue from this one.

I will tell you--looking back--when you are pregnant it seems like forever.  But looking back, it went by so quick!  I hope I blogged enough about all the little things so I don't forget them.  It is truly an amazing experience to be used as God's vessel for his creation.  Thank you God for granting me with such a wonderful and unbelievable experience--not just once--but 3 times!  I hope I can raise these kids to honor and glorify you.

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