Saturday, August 12, 2006

Week 8 --First overnight journey

This was a big week for Kylan.

First of all he had rice cereal for the first time ever. His first solid food. I was getting exhausted and finally resorted to it. There were several nights in a row where he was getting up every hour to eat. It was too much. I swear he had a bottomless stomach or something...

So I mixed a little with his milk and gave it to him in a bottle. Then each night I added a bit more. By Friday, I actually fed him using a spoon. He was a bit messy, but seemed to enjoy the change of pace.

They say you shouldn't feed baby solids until month 4, but I spoke to so many who started much earlier. In fact I had impressed severalo people by waiting as long as I did.

Week 8 was also a big week for Kylan because he went on his first road trip. We traveled to Indiana on Wednesday night (a 5 hour drive.) He did really well and slept pretty much the whole journey. We traveled at night, which I am sure helped. We took his pack and play and he slept in that. On Thursday, Kylan got to spend the day with Grandma Irvin and got to meet his uncles and his great godparents (is there such a thing?). By the end of the day, he was pretty overwhelmed and was crying a lot (take note of pics.) I think all the new things were too much for him to take in at once. You have to remember that with infants their 5 sense are pretty equivalent. So he was dealing with new smells, touches, and sounds, as well as sights.

On Friday, Kylan got to meet his great uncle Ricky and 2nd cousin Amy. Once again though, by the evening he was tired of people and pretty cranky. It took a lot of work to get him asleep.

On Saturday, grandma Irvin roasted Kylan. I mean--gave him a bath. He needed it. We then hit the road to Chicago to meet Great Grandpa & Grandma Herbst. On the way we got caught in really bad traffic. We were stuck for 1.5 hours. And this is not easy to do when you have a baby crying in the back. Luckily we were able to get to a rest stop and feed him. So we arrived in Arlington Heights and Kylan was sleeping like an angel. But that night Kylan decided he was going to get up every hour. By Sunday, Rob and I were exhausted and Kylan had had it.

He cried when Grandma and Grandpa Herbst held him. Then he cried when Great Aunt Linda held him. However, Aunt Linda decided she was going to get him to stop crying...and eventually it worked. He fell asleep in her arms. YEAH AUNT LINDA. It helped that she sung to him. Kylan will usually calm down if you sing to him.

That afternoon we left to go to the family reunion. Yeah--50 or so new people for Kylan to meet. We were really worried about the stress of this on Kylan and decided to pretty much keep him to ourselves. THat worked well. He didn't cry and slept a fair amount of time. Sorry fam...I hope you understand it was all for the good of Kylan.

So we all had a very busy and long weekend--and it was stressful for Kylan. In the future, I think we will limit the places we go and people we see for the good of the baby.

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