Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Week 9

Well, our little Kylan is quite the little eater. He loves rice cereal. He also appears to be ogling our food from time to time.

Kylan went to the Wisconsin State Fair this week. He slept through the horses, cows, sheep, goats, and the pig races. However he did wake up in time to see the swine. And he posed for some pictures with the world's biggest piggy bank. He had a lot of fun!

On Tuesday, we went in for his 2 month appointment. The doctor told me that he would be getting 2 shots. Well it turns out that she meant 4 and an oral vaccine AND they had to redo his newborn blood draw--because they screwed up on it when he was born. Well first things first. Kylan now weighs.....13 lbs and 15 1/2 ounces. What a little chubber! He is in the 92 % for his weight. He is 22.5 inches in length--40%.

I brought a lot of questions in for the doc. But before I could ask them she made an observation. It appears he has a problem with reflux. His stomach is not well enough developed to keep the contents down. This makes his stomach upset and makes him spit up stuff. (Which has been occuring a lot more recently.)

It turns out that reflux is the answer to all my questions that I had for her. This is why he does not sleep more than 2 hours at night (when most are sleeping 5-6 by now). Kylan can't eat a full meal because it makes his stomach unhappy, so instead he eats smaller more frequent meals this is why he wakes up so often. Kylan also does not sleep well laying down. This is because the acid is more likely to be pushed up from his stomach when he is laying down as opposed to sitting up. He also is very stuffy by morning. This is because the acid and milk builds up in his nasal passages from laying down all night. He gets more fussy at night and sometimes during feedings--due to the acid. Sometimes he will also appear to scream out in pain--due to bubbles in his stomach from the acid.

So it was neat to have all my questions answered with one problem. Though not cool to have the problem. So the doc said that he should outgrow the problem by the time he is a year or so, but for now we have to give him meds three times a day. He normally likes anything we give him. But he hates these meds and tries to spit them out. It smells like mouthwash and leaves him with minty fresh breath.

I also want to say it was great getting Kylan back into cloth diapers after the trip from the week before. (He is pictured above in one of them.) I do not like disposables except for traveling. See Blog from July 21st for more info on the wonderful world of cloth diapers. Well that is all for this week.

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