Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Week 7

Not a whole lot of excitement this week. I am learning how to juggle taking care of Kylan and the house at the same time. Kylan now becomes a part of each chore. Pictured above is him with his diapers fresh from the drier. He likes the journey from the drier in the laundry basket. I think he likes the warmth of the clothes.

Kylan smiles lots and lots. He also goes through mood swings. One minute he will be very happy the next he will be screaming. That is when we call him Mr. Grumpy Pants (or I should say that is what Rob calls him.) He usually will stop crying if you dance and sing with him. Dad sings him the worm song--which pretty much always works. I think it is his favorite. I am less original and will sing the ABC's or twinkle twinkle--or resort to the radio or CD's.

The biggest dilemma I currently have with Kylan is shopping. He hates it. He screams and everyone wants to ooh and ahh at him then. I don't get it. I have people in the grocery store following me to see him. They think he is so cute...I really don't think he is very cute when he is screaming and I can't hear myself think. They should come back when he is smiling. I think part of the problem with shopping is that he doesn't like his car seat. Most babies love the journey, but not Kylan (unless you are on a highway--then he is fine.)

I had to go to the dentis this week and left Kylan with Grandpa. I felt so bad. Kylan screamed the entire drive to his house and then fell asleep a block before we arrived. I dropped him off and apologized to Grandpa. I knew he was going to be a grump. Well, I got back to grandpa's late...and it turns out Kylan slept the entire time at Grandpa's. This is really odd. He will not sleep more than an hour for me at home, but he slept well over 2 hours at gramps. Hmmm...

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