Sunday, July 30, 2006

First Ball Game (Week 6)

This is kind of a choppy blog, just summing up the adventures of week six.

Kylan went to his first Brewer Game on 7/25. The Brewers played the Pirates. Unfortunately, Kylan watched a very bad first game. Pirates won 6-1. Some people thought we were nuts for taking him, but he didn't really cry at all, and really seemed to enjoy looking at the crowd and listening to everything. We will take him again soon.

So six weeks. Kylan smiles a lot now. I will try to get more pics of him smiling, but I haven't been very good at doing that so far. He is also cooing and making lots of noises. He is growing so fast! Speaking of growing fast, I took him to the doc on Tuesday. He weighs 12 lbs 2 oz. When we took him for his 2 week appointment he was in the 25 percentile for his weight. He has now jumped to the 75 percentile (4 weeks later). He has almost doubled his weight since we brought him home and he was less than 6 1/2 pounds. He has really packed on the weight. We hope he slows down so that he can fit in his car seat for a while longer!! So the weight gain of course has earned him new nicknames, but I will refrain from putting them in the blog.

Here's a funny story...So the other day I was walking Kylan and Bear and this man walks up to me and says "Oh, how old is he?" And I say "Six weeks." Then he said, "Not the baby, the dog." The he totally ignored Kylan and was petting and cooing over Bear--this was a first.

Have I mentioned yet that Kylan can pretty much stand on his own. He needs my hands for balance of course, but he can really support all his weight on his legs and loves to stand. I will hold onto his hands and he will stand. It really is amazing, I am not sure I have ever seen a baby with this much strength at this age.

Last bit of valuable info. Kylan's baptism is now scheduled for August 27th. Preach is out of town now on the 20th so it had to be pushed back. Well that's all for now, until next week...Oh wait you are probably asking about the watermelon picture. Well-the boy likes melons, what can I say. You can ask his father about the watermelon aftermath if you are curious.

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