Sunday, July 23, 2006

The scary side of parenting...

So the other night we had a scare with Kylan.

Kylan was getting his bath. We have a baby bathtub and a foam insert that allows the baby to stay out of the water. Well, it appears that the foam insert has worn a bit and is not as sturdy as it used to be (warning to those who may have gotten the foam insert.) Well, we were just finishing up the bath and had flipped Kylan over so we could scrub his back. Normally Kylan will turn his head or lift it off the foam insert, but this time he did not. In fact, he put his face straight down onto the foam insert. The insert had taken on water like a sponge (something we did not realize.) Kylan then breathed in the water and began choking. Actually, he wasn't breathing. Rob held him over the sink and patted his back. It was scary. Eventually (what seemed like years, but was actually only seconds), Kylan grabbed his breath.

The incident was not over though. His breath sounds were very shallow and he turned ghastly white. At that point we called 911. He was trying to cry, but he could not get a good wail out. By the time the fire truck arrived, Kylan was doing much better. He was crying and clearly very scared (probably due to our reactions, not the circumstance.) The paramedics listened to his chest and said it sounded very clear. They then informed us that often when you take water in, your throat will actually close up in order to help protect your lungs, which is probably what happened to Kylan.

So all is good, but it was very scary. In fact I don't think I really got over it until the next morning. I was up all night just making sure he was okay.

I didn't really want to post this, but the fact is things like this happen to all new parents. And, I want to be able to share all these stories with Kylan when he is bigger. This is his personal diary afterall.

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