Friday, July 07, 2006

I am one month old!

Today Kylan is one month old...

Let's see, what updates do we have. Well--first of all Kylan is just as beautiful as ever. It is amazing how quickly he has changed in the past four weeks. Just scroll through the pics and see for yourself. He has gained a ton of weight and has grown in length. Still only sleeps 3 hours max at a time, but hopefully that will change soon.

Right now Kylan is very sensitive about his receding hairline. (See pic below and compare to earlier pics.) We have reassured him many times that this is a normal thing for babies, and that it will all come back in due time. However, he insists on wearing hats whenever we go anywhere.

I am amazed by the amount of perfect strangers that now come up to us and start conversations. In fact neighbors that I have walked by for two years without even a "hello" have now suddenly gotten the guts to come and talk to us. He is quite the conversation starter.

Other new changes--I have to log an extra 1 hour to "getting ready time" if I have to go somewhere with Kylan. You never know what is going to happen. It seems that lately, Kylan has figured out whenever I have just changed my clothes. This is the time he chooses to spit-up on me. And the funny part is--he rarely spits up--pretty much just when I have just changed to go somewhere. Then of course you have to add in extra time to change him--since he has most likely spit up on himself as well--or if not he has managed to leak something out of his diaper.

My life has definitely changed. Whether or not I get something done in the day, depends on if Kylan wills it. I can't imagine single parents having kids or even teens having kids. I am so happy when Rob gets home, just so I can shower or enjoy a nap without the worries of time constraint.

Anyway, my little boy is growing up very fast. He now seems to enjoy his baths more. He gazes into my eyes as he nurses and has a gleam in his eye when he is enjoying himself. He does smile a fair amount, but they aren't quite the social smile that babies have when they are purposeful. However, he will smile when I call his name and touch his cheek . Well that is all for now...but lots more pics for everyone to enjoy..

Okay this post will not let me put up pics--I don't know why...but look above for the pics...and here is commentary...

Kylan has grown lots, but still can't fit into daddy's pants.
Kylan in blue is sporting his receding hairline...

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