Tuesday, July 18, 2006

5 weeks and counting...

Okay--so you have to agree that he is just adorable. These are his 5 week pics. Kylan does a pretty good job at holding his head up now. He gave his first social smile at 4 1/2 weeks. And shortly after that he had begun to make cooing noises (something more than cries, grunts, and farts! YEAH!) His hair is continuing to thin--he is going to be my little baldy....He also is dealing with infant acne. All very normal and common at this age. I think at this point Kylan probably weighs over 10 lbs. He still fits in his 0-3 month clothes, but they are getting much tighter. I still remember the first day we took him home at four days old. His outfit was so big on him. Now it fits just fine.

Rob and i have a lot of fun playing for Kylan. You will see what I mean in future posts. We figure that if Kylan can't do things on his own that we will help him. We figure it helps ease him into the real world a little better.

Things have been going well for all three of us. Rob has been getting more frustrated with the lack of interest in our house. I, however, am keeping my focus on Kylan that way I can't get too frustrated. Hopefully we will move soon. All in God's time.

Kylan's baptism is tentatively scheduled for August 20th. We wished we could do an earlier date, but this is just how it has worked out. Hopefully he will get over his fear of water by then, otherwise the congregation will be holding their ears. Our good friends Liz and Adam have agreed to be his godparents. He is so blessed to have them in his life. They are wonderful people and I know they will be good mentors to him. Alrighty..that's it for now..time to hit the sack--Kylan is already there...

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