Sunday, October 07, 2007

The Boys!

Ky went to his last baseball game of the season in late September. The Brewers lost, which basically counted them out of the playoffs. Ky has fun as usual. He loves watching the people, the fireworks, and all the lights.

The weekend after the game, Kelly; Karen & Dakota; Melissa, Steven, Dylan, & baby #2 came for a visit. It was a fun time. Kelly arrived late Friday night--and Rob and I were party poopers and went to bed shortly after her arrival--oh to be young again...Saturday morning, the rest of the crew arrived. We played (or I should say the boys played) briefly and then we caravanned to the capital for the tail end of the farmer's market. By then the boys were hungry though--so we spent very little time at the farmer's market and spent more time trying to find a place that could handle all of us and three small children on State Street. We ended up at noodles and were crammed around a small table. Kylan kept stealing Melissa's food off her plate. Good thing she has kids and is understanding! Or else I would have been embarrassed. He also kept trying to see if he could dump his plate on the floor.

Dakota definitely has the best table manners of all of us. He kept to his own food (at least what I saw) and finished his whole plate of macaroni. I think he even added a few pleases and thank you's in the conversation. Dylan was a bottomless pit. Even after lunch he needed more food! Reminds me of when Ky was younger. (Ky is getting to be a picky eater now.)

After the meal, we walked the rest of state street and went to the Union. The boys found ducks there and sat by the water. Melissa fed them some food--and then we had lots more ducks. The boys thought it was pretty cool. Some of them wanted to get in the water--and when we wouldn't let them they resorted to throwing leaves into the water at them.

Throughout the day we tried multiple times to get pics of all of them. They are very hard to get to sit still for the camera--and to look at the camera. Dakota---however--does say "cheese" and flashes a winning smile. Perhaps when Ky and Dylan get a little older we will be able to get better pics.

After the market we returned to the house and let the boys play some more---no naps. Which did make for some characters as the night grew closer. Dakota was trying on big people shoes, Dylan was crawling all over mom and dad, and Ky was--well pretty much just excited that there were so many people that could pay attention to him.

As you can see--after the attempted group picture on the couch (see above pic), I decided for some individual poses. I think I caught the boys' personalities well. It was too bad the visit was too short. We all had a good time just catching up and chatting.

Kel stayed most of the next day--and Ky was excited to have someone to blow bubbles with (yes in that pic above Ky is blowing his first bubbles!) and then in following pics eating the wand. And he had fun picking raspberries with her.

So the latest accomplishments for Ky is basically his talking. He tries to say just about anything we say. In the next entry I will put down all his new words--that I can remember/think of....

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