Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Pwease! More!


What an interesting month. First of all, yes all the pics are from October. We had some upper 80's days, but now we are in the 50's.
About two weeks ago we went back to Ohlbrich Gardens (since we got rained on the last time we went there.) Ky left a water trail every where he went. He would find pots with water, the little creeks, ponds, fountains, etc...and let's just say we took home one very wet boy. I think his diaper was drier than the rest of him. What a fun place to take kids. We just let him wonder on the paths and followed him. He loved it.
Ky also went to two farms in the last few weeks. We went with Mom's club to Schuster farm, where he played in the corn box (somewhat like a sandbox), the playground, took a hayride, and picked out his first pumpkin. Ky thought the pumpkins were balls. He would yell "Ball" attempt to pick one up and toss it (the best he could). WE took home the one he abused the most.
This past weekend, we took Ky to Treinan farm--which is known for their 15 acre corn maze. Ky loved watching the chickens (and attempting to chase them) while we waited in line. So--rob and I do these mazes every year we are in Madison--and have never had any problem completing the maze. However--we do struggle getting the secret stamps. There are 8 hidden stamps in the maze. We normally get the 6 minimum--but this time with Ky we were only able to get 5. We had to call it quits early in order to keep him happy. After the maze, we let Ky play in the Corn Box--where he attempted to eat the corn! YUCK! He also went down the giant tube slide--which he loved....
The other couple pics I have are of him on his bike--which he easily gets on/off by himself now--and scoots around. The only problem is, he doesn't always get on the right way. And then there is a picture of my friend--who I have yet to name. I have seen these large birds flying around my house but had yet to get a really good look until last week. We have HAWKS! Pretty cool. This one has a baby bunny that it is eating (look by his feet.) They are huge! I was probably within 6 feet of this one when I took the pic.
Okay so other news---my mother is getting married to a long time family friend-Terry. They are planning there wedding in January. I am very happy for her. Jeff, Sarah, John, and Terry are off to Israel for a few weeks. I hope they bring back some great pictures. Rob and I are in the process of ceramic tiling our entryways, kitchen and bathroom floor. A very long process--but it is well worth it. The 1980's linoleum had to GO! Rob just finished his first MBA class! YEAH! Only 10+ to go! and I am in the process of trying to get someone to knock out our kitchen walls---which should have happened a while ago--but my contractor backed out.
So milestones for the big guy...
TALKING TALKING TALKING!!! What doesn't he say!
Meow, Moo, Dog, pee pee (I like this one), poo poo, potty--(Lots of false alarms with these words--but soon enough I am sure he will put two and two together--speaking of which I have tons of cute pics of him sitting on the potty reading--he loves to read when he sits on the potty--but due to BAD internet people I am not going to share them online.) toes, shoes, more---and he signs "more"---
Okay have to pause...So I really worked with Ky from about 6 months to 12 months on signing. Ky never signed--but instead starting talking so I gave up. So out of the blue about two weeks ago Ky says More and does the sign for more. Now I haven't signed more to him in like 4 months! So he must have an amazing memory. So now I am trying to sign words again to see if he figures it out.
Please---he says "Pwease" It is the cutest thing! And for a long time we were just so entranced by his Pwease that we gave him whatever he wanted. Luckily the spell is wearing off.
He says, milk, bath, phone, big bird, up, open, walk, slide, mamadada--all one word--when he would like both of our attention.
Like before i am sure there is more, but it is hard to remember everything...
So everyone is asking--what is ky for Halloween. Well he is going to go as the same thing he was last year--a baby. We figure he is still young enough that he really won't get much out of it. And why introduce him to candy at this age? So instead we'll take the money we would have invested in his costume and throw it in his savings account--and then we will know that we gave him something he can truly enjoy later.
Well that's all for now. Stay tuned....

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